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14 Common Plants That Are Toxic To Dogs

| Published on June 6, 2017

Whether you’re a gardener or enjoy having fresh flowers in your house, if you live with animals, you should be aware of the plants around them. Make sure that any vegetation they may come in contact with – whether in your yard, on a walk, or in a vase – is non-toxic to them.

Here are 14 common plants that are toxic to dogs, based on information provided by the ASPCA. The list below is by no means exhaustive, and you can view the ASPCA’s complete list for dogs, cats, and horses by clicking here.

In an emergency, you can reach the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at: (888) 426-4435. 

(Note: it’s always a good idea to program this, along with your local emergency vet’s number, into your phone.)

We all love enjoying the beautiful growth that comes with the change in seasons, and with a little precaution, everyone can stay safe!

1. Apple (parts)

While the flesh of an apple is safe for your pup to enjoy, pet parents with apple trees in their yard should be very cautious. Parts of the fruit including the stems, leaves, and seeds contain cyanide, which is a threat if your dog starts to nibble the decaying fruit that’s fallen to the ground.


2. Aloe

While humans may use aloe gel to heal burns and scrapes, the plant can be toxic if your pet ingests it, leading to vomiting, lethargy, and diarrhea.

3. Azaleas

These flowers can cause symptoms from vomiting to cardiac failure… keep canines away! Rhododendron, a close relative, is also toxic.


4. Hops

Alcohol is bad for our furry companions, but hops are also poisonous to dogs – this makes beer a doubly toxic substance for canines. Beer drinkers and home brewers should be cautious, as ingestion of hops can cause panting, high body temperature, seizures, and death in dogs.

5. Chamomile

Although we humans drink chamomile tea to relax, this plant is poisonous to our four-legged friends. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and “bleeding tendencies.”


6. Daffodils

The ASPCA explains that the bulbs contain the most poison. If too much is eaten, pups can suffer convulsions, tremors cardiac arrhythmias, and more.

7. Geranium

These popular plants aren’t exactly pet-friendly. Eating it can cause vomiting, anorexia, depression, and dermatitis in your pet.


8. Gladiola

Like daffodils, the most toxic part of this flower is the bulb. Symptoms following ingestion include salivation, vomiting, drooling, lethargy, and diarrhea.

9. Tulips

Also holding most of their toxicity in the bulb, tulips can cause vomiting, depression, diarrhea, hyper-salivation.


10. Sago Palm

Ingestion of these plants can lead to a host of scary side effects, including vomiting, melena, icterus, increased thirst, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, bruising, coagulopathy, liver damage, liver failure, and death, according to the ASPCA.

11. Oleander

These flowers are known to be poisonous to humans and animals alike. If eaten, your pooch may drool excessively and suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea, colic, depression, or even death.


12. Rhubarb

We love it with strawberries in a pie, but don’t let your pet eat a rhubarb plant. Side effects include tremors, salivation, and kidney failure.

13. Philodendron

Keep your pooch away from this common plant. If ingested, it can cause oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing


14. Mistletoe

Pet parents should know that this festive plant is poisonous to pups, and should be especially cautious around the holidays. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and low heart rate.


(h/t: ASPCA)


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