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3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Schnauzer

| Published on February 18, 2017

What you teach your Schnauzer to do is really up to you. Some people are looking for a fancy performance dog that needs to know many cues and how to execute them with precision. Others just want a dog that knows a few things so they can live together in harmony. If you fall into the latter group, you are probably thinking he doesn’t need to know much, but there are a few cues your Schnauzer should know for safety reasons. The following are three basic behaviors you should teach your Schnauzer.

#1 – Come

A solid recall is important for your Schnauzer if he is ever off leash in public areas, or even to avoid headache in a big backyard. It can save the life of your Schnauzer if she bolts out the door toward the street. It’s just a good basic cue for any dog to know.

#2 – Leave It

A solid Leave It cue can keep them from chewing your shoe or stealing your dinner. It can make walks more pleasant – you can ask your Schnauzer to leave the grass and the trees he has sniffed for the hundredth time or all the people he wants to greet. Even the squirrel he may want to chase. Most importantly, it can save your Schnauzer’s life if he is about to eat something dangerous – this includes toxic human foods or maybe something unsafe he comes along during his walk.

#3 – Stay

Like Come, Stay can help keep your Schnauzer inside the house when you open the front door. Stay is also useful if you are trying to get your Schnauzer to not chase the neighbor’s cat or the bunny that pops out of nowhere. Finally, it helps teach her self-control, which is never a bad thing.

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