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13 Dog Breeds That Are Complete Goofballs

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 26, 2024

Dogs are intelligent, loyal, and protective, but they can also be incredibly funny. Certain breeds stand out for their goofy charm, playful antics, and clumsiness. Whether they’re zooming around the house at full speed, making exaggerated facial expressions, or turning everyday moments into a comedy act, these dogs know how to make us laugh. Their natural ability to bring joy through their silly behavior makes them the life of the party, always ready to brighten your day and keep the smiles coming with their lovable, goofy personalities.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are renowned for their friendly, fun-loving nature, but they’re also the quintessential goofballs. Their boundless enthusiasm often leads them into clumsy situations—they’ll trip over their own feet, run into walls, or hilariously misjudge the distance when jumping. Goldens also have an amusing obsession with carrying objects in their mouths, from shoes to remote controls, as if they’re always ready to play fetch. Their expressive faces and energetic personality make them a constant source of entertainment, and they never fail to lighten the mood in any situation.



Boxers have a reputation for being the clowns of the dog world. Their playful and mischievous nature shines through in their bounding leaps, exaggerated head tilts, and “kidney bean dance,” where they wriggle their bodies in joy. They’re big dogs that sometimes don’t realize their size, and they’ll try to squeeze into spaces far too small for them. Boxers love engaging with their humans and will go to great lengths to make you laugh, whether it’s by pawing at you for attention or doing zoomies around the house like a puppy.

French Bulldog


Don’t let their compact size fool you—French Bulldogs are full of personality and hilarity. With their bat-like ears, squashed faces, and grunts, they’re practically comedians in dog form. Frenchies love to chase their tails, get into weird sleeping positions, and make the funniest snorting noises. Their stubborn streak can sometimes lead them into goofy situations, like trying to talk back when they don’t get their way or giving exaggerated sighs when they feel ignored. French Bulldogs may be small, but their goofy behavior is larger than life.

Labrador Retriever


Labs are known for their loyalty and intelligence, but they’re also massive goofballs. Their exuberance for life means they often jump before thinking, whether it’s into a pool or onto a couch they’re not supposed to be on. They tend to get overly excited, resulting in clumsy behavior like knocking over furniture or colliding with other dogs during playtime. Labs’ love for food can also lead to some amusing moments, such as sneaking snacks or giving you those irresistible puppy-dog eyes for just one more treat.

Basset Hound


With their long ears, droopy eyes, and low-to-the-ground bodies, Basset Hounds might look like serious dogs, but they’re anything but. Their goofy nature is on full display when they trip over their own ears or attempt to climb onto furniture, only to realize they’re not quite tall enough. Bassets are curious explorers, but their laid-back attitude often leads to hilarious moments of them getting stuck in awkward places or giving up halfway through a walk for a nap. Their combination of clumsiness and charm makes them top-tier goofballs.



Dachshunds may be small, but their goofy behavior is outsized. These long-bodied dogs are known for getting themselves into funny situations, such as getting stuck in spaces they tried to squeeze through or dramatically burrowing under blankets. Their strong hunting instincts can lead to hilarious moments when they chase after toys or try to dig through a floor as if they’re digging for treasure. Dachshunds also have a stubborn streak, which adds to their goofiness when they decide they’re done with a walk and plop down dramatically.

Bull Terrier


Bull Terriers are unmistakable with their egg-shaped heads and muscular bodies, and their goofiness matches their unique look. They’re incredibly playful dogs that seem to have endless energy, often engaging in zoomies or bouncing around like clowns. Bull Terriers love to engage with people and will go out of their way to entertain you, whether by doing silly tricks, throwing their toys around, or making strange noises. Their penchant for mischief and their larger-than-life personalities make them one of the most amusing breeds to be around.



Beagles are natural adventurers, and their curious nature often leads to funny situations. They’ll follow their noses anywhere, sometimes getting themselves stuck or lost in the process. Their floppy ears and soulful eyes add to their goofiness, as they can look both dignified and completely silly at the same time. Beagles are also notorious for their hilarious howls and barks, which they use to communicate in all sorts of ridiculous ways. Whether they’re trying to get your attention or express their excitement, Beagles are guaranteed to bring laughter into your home.



Corgis, with their short legs and long bodies, are one of the most endearing and hilarious dog breeds. Their natural enthusiasm for life is often on display when they run, with their little legs moving frantically beneath their chunky bodies. Corgis are also known for their “splooting,” where they stretch out with their legs behind them in the funniest poses. Their playful and bossy nature can lead to amusing antics, whether it’s herding other animals or playfully challenging their owners to a game of chase around the living room.

Boston Terrier


Boston Terriers are small dogs with big personalities and an innate ability to make people laugh. They’re often referred to as the “American Gentleman” because of their tuxedo-like markings, but their behavior is far from formal. Boston Terriers love to play, and their enthusiasm often results in funny tumbles and rolls during playtime. Their exaggerated snorts and expressive faces only add to their comedic charm, making them one of the most entertaining dogs to be around. They also have a habit of zooming around the house in a burst of excitement, leaving their owners in stitches.



Pugs are born entertainers, and their goofy faces and squashed noses are only part of the reason they’re so funny. Their antics include snorting, snoring, and sneezing at the most random times, often making it seem like they’re communicating in their own special way. Pugs are also notorious for their love of food, which can lead to hilarious begging and sneaky snack-stealing behavior. Their dramatic expressions, combined with their clumsy movements and tendency to nap in the most awkward positions, make Pugs one of the silliest and most lovable breeds.

Wire Fox Terrier


Wire Fox Terriers are lively, energetic dogs with a natural sense of humor. Their playful, almost mischievous behavior makes them a riot to be around. They’re always on the go, ready to explore, chase, or engage in some kind of mischief. These terriers love to clown around, whether it’s by leaping into the air for no reason or darting in circles to chase their own tail. Their wiry coats and distinctive facial expressions add to their overall goofy appeal, making them one of the most light-hearted terrier breeds.

Spinone Italiano


A lesser-known breed, the Spinone Italiano, is a goofy giant with a heart of gold. Despite their large size, Spinones are incredibly gentle and often don’t realize their own strength, leading to funny mishaps. Their shaggy coats, big noses, and soulful eyes give them a whimsical appearance, and they have a playful, curious nature that often leads to amusing situations. Spinones are also notorious for their clumsiness, whether it’s tripping over their own feet or getting into mischief during a walk. Their gentle and silly personality makes them a perfect addition to any list of goofball dogs.

Dogs Who Know How to Make Us Laugh


These dog breeds aren’t just companions—they’re the comedians of the canine world. Their goofy antics, quirky behaviors, and natural playfulness make them perfect for lifting your mood and keeping laughter in your home. From the clumsy Golden Retriever to the always-entertaining Pug, these dogs show that life is better with a bit of humor. If you’re seeking a dog that can bring constant joy and amusement, these goofball breeds are sure to brighten your day with their fun-loving, silly personalities and endless entertainment.