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Basset Hound

Hound Group

Joyful, amiable, and loving

25 Things to Love About Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, are one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. Originating in France, their name roughly translates to “low” in French, a nod to their short stature. Bred as scent hounds, their powerful sense of smell is second only to the Bloodhound, making them exceptional at tracking. Despite their serious work capabilities, Basset Hounds are known for their laid-back and even-tempered nature, making them excellent family pets. … Read more

The 6 Most Unique Qualities of Basset Hounds

The Basset Hound, with its distinctive long ears, mournful eyes, and short legs, is one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. Originally bred in France for hunting small game like rabbits, the Basset Hound’s keen sense of smell and persistent tracking ability make it a standout in the hound group. Beyond its prowess as a scent hound, the Basset Hound is renowned for its unique combination of a laid-back personality and stubborn temperament, making it a beloved … Read more

The 7 Most Unusual Habits of Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, are one of the most easily recognizable dog breeds. Originally bred in France for hunting, particularly using their powerful sense of smell to track small game, they are now beloved companions known for their gentle and laid-back demeanor. Despite their somewhat comical appearance, Basset Hounds possess a noble bearing and an unmatched olfactory prowess. Alongside their hunting skills, these dogs exhibit a range of quirky behaviors that can … Read more

How Much Do You Feed a Basset Hound

Basset Hounds, with their droopy ears, soulful eyes, and amiable temperament, are popular as both family pets and as characters in popular culture. Despite their laid-back demeanor, they have a surprisingly voracious appetite, which can lead to obesity if not monitored. The quantity and quality of their food, combined with regular exercise, will determine the overall health and longevity of your beloved Basset. So, how much should you feed them? 1. Understanding the Basset Hound’s Dietary Needs Basset Hounds, originally … Read more

The 5 Love Languages of Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, hold a special place in the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. Known for their gentle demeanor, unparalleled sense of smell, and laid-back attitude, Basset Hounds are not just hunting dogs but beloved family members who bring joy and laughter into their homes. Understanding the unique ways Basset Hounds express and receive love is crucial for fostering a deep, fulfilling relationship with these charming canines. Inspired by the concept … Read more

The History and Origin of the Basset Hound: A Comprehensive Look

The Basset Hound, with its distinctive long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, is a breed that captures the hearts of many with its unique appearance and gentle demeanor. This breed’s history traces back to ancient France, where they were developed for hunting small game, such as rabbits and hares. The word “Basset” in French means “low” or “dwarf,” aptly describing the breed’s stature. Basset Hounds are renowned for their incredible sense of smell, second only to the Bloodhound in … Read more

10 Life Lessons You Can Learn from a Basset Hound

The Basset Hound, with its distinctive long ears, droopy eyes, and short stature, embodies a blend of gentle dignity and comical charm that captures the heart of anyone who crosses its path. Originating from France, this breed was developed for hunting small game, using its keen sense of smell and persistent tracking ability. Beyond their hunting prowess, Basset Hounds are cherished for their placid nature and affectionate demeanor, making them excellent companions. The lessons one can learn from a Basset … Read more

10 Dog Breeds Similar to Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, are one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. Originating from France, these dogs were bred for hunting, specifically for their ability to track and hunt small game with their powerful sense of smell, second only to the Bloodhound. Their calm and affectionate nature makes them excellent family pets, and their unique appearance has endeared them to many across the globe. However, for those who are … Read more

Basset Hound Lifespan – What to Expect & How to Help a Basset Hound Live Longer

Basset Hounds, with their unmistakable appearance characterized by long ears, droopy eyes, and a stately demeanour, have charmed their way into the hearts of many. Known for their gentle and friendly nature, these dogs make excellent companions for individuals and families alike. Originating from France, Basset Hounds were bred to hunt small game, utilizing their keen sense of smell and persistence. Today, they are cherished household pets, celebrated not just for their distinctive looks but also for their amiable and … Read more

How to Clean a Basset Hound’s Ears

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears and soulful eyes, is a breed that holds a special place in the hearts of many dog lovers. These dogs are not only known for their unique appearance but also their specific grooming needs, particularly when it comes to ear care. Their long, floppy ears are prone to accumulating dirt, wax, and moisture, making them susceptible to ear infections if not properly maintained. Regular ear cleaning is crucial in preventing these issues and … Read more

Are Basset Hounds The Worst Dog? – Food for Thought

Basset Hounds, with their distinct long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, are a breed known for their gentle demeanor and endearing personality. They have a unique appearance and a calm, friendly nature that makes them popular among dog lovers. However, like every breed, owning a Basset Hound comes with its own set of challenges. Potential owners should be aware of these aspects to fully understand what it entails to live with a Basset Hound. This article explores seven downsides … Read more

The Best 10 Basset Hound Activity Trackers For 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. As a doting Basset Hound parent, your dog’s health is a top priority. You make sure your Basset Hound eats the best foods, gets regular veterinary care, enjoys plenty of playtime, and takes regular walks. Gauging just how much activity your Basset Hound is getting can be difficult, though. But outfitting your best friend with one of the … Read more

9 Best Smart Dog Feeders for Basset Hounds in 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Feeding your Basset Hound at certain times every day can be tricky, especially if you go out during their dinner time or sleep in past their breakfast time. A smart dog feeder for your Basset Hound can help you feed at the right times, even when you’re not home. It’s a convenient option that helps keep your … Read more

How to Help a Basset Hound Lose Weight

Basset Hounds, known for their distinctive short legs and long ears, is a breed that captures hearts with their unique appearance and gentle demeanor. However, they are also prone to weight gain due to their body structure and love for food. Excess weight in Basset Hounds can lead to serious health problems, such as joint pain, heart issues, and reduced mobility. Therefore, Basset Hound owners must monitor and manage their pet’s weight. This article provides seven detailed tips on helping … Read more

10 Best Fresh Dog Food Brands for Basset Hounds in 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Feeding your Basset Hound the best fresh dog food can have a big impact on their overall health. There are so many brands out there, but many Basset Hound parents are wary of the processed ingredients used in them. Have you ever considered making homemade food for your Basset Hound but didn’t have enough time or knowledge … Read more

Cost of a Basset Hound Puppy by US Region [2024]

Basset Hounds, known for their droopy eyes, long ears, and distinctive scent-tracking abilities, have charmed families with their gentle demeanor and keen noses. When considering welcoming one into your home, it’s important to understand the costs associated with buying a puppy. Here’s a breakdown of puppy costs in the major regions of the USA, followed by insights on the advantages of adoption. Northeast: In states like New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, Basset Hound puppies generally range between $1,000 to $2,500, … Read more

The 8 Best Dog Foods For Basset Hounds – 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Searching for the best dog food to feed your Basset Hound can feel like a daunting task due to the flood of different foods on the market, but every dog parent wants what’s best for their dog. So we’ve made a list of the foods our doggies love to devour, and the pups have insisted we share … Read more

Traveling with a Basset Hound: Tips for Success

Traveling with a Basset Hound can be a uniquely enjoyable experience. Known for their distinctive appearance with long ears and short legs and a laid-back and curious personality, Basset Hounds make endearing travel companions. However, their specific physical characteristics and care needs present unique challenges that must be considered for a successful trip. This comprehensive guide is designed to help Basset Hound owners prepare for various travel situations, ensuring their canine companions’ comfort and safety and a pleasant journey for … Read more

Why is My Basset Hound Not Eating?

Basset Hounds, known for their long ears and soulful eyes, generally have a hearty appetite. A loss of appetite in these dogs can cause concern for any pet owner. Understanding why your Basset Hound is not eating is crucial for addressing the issue effectively and ensuring their health and well-being. This detailed article explores common reasons why a Basset Hound might not be eating and provides insights into when veterinary care is necessary. Understanding Your Basset Hound’s Eating Habits Standard … Read more

Ideal Diet for Basset Hounds – The Ultimate Basset Hound Feeding Guide

Basset Hounds, known for their distinctive long ears and droopy eyes, are a breed loved for their gentle and laid-back nature. Despite their calm demeanor, they have specific dietary needs to maintain their health and prevent common health issues. This guide offers comprehensive insights into the best nutritional practices for feeding Basset Hounds, ensuring they lead a healthy and happy life. Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Basset Hounds Basset Hounds are medium-sized dogs with a tendency towards obesity and joint … Read more

Are Basset Hounds Good with Kids?

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears and mournful eyes, have captured the hearts of many families. In this article, we examine their suitability as family pets, especially in homes with children, by exploring their temperament, behavior, and needs. Basset Hounds: A Family-Oriented Breed? Basset Hounds are known for their gentle and laid-back nature, making them a potentially great choice for families with children. They tend to form strong bonds with their family members and are known for their patience … Read more

Are Basset Hounds Safe in Cold Weather?

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears and short legs, are known for their gentle demeanor and an exceptional sense of smell. This article explores how well Basset Hounds fare in cold weather. It focuses on their physical characteristics, potential risks, and the necessary care and precautions to ensure their comfort and safety during the colder months. Understanding Basset Hounds’ Cold Weather Tolerance Basset Hounds have a short, dense coat that provides a certain level of insulation against the cold. … Read more

How Much Does a Basset Hound Bark?

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears and melancholic eyes, are a breed known for their calm demeanor. However, potential and current owners often wonder about their barking habits. This article explores the barking behavior of Basset Hounds, delving into why they bark, how it compares with other breeds, and strategies for managing their barking. 1. Barking Characteristics of Basset Hounds Basset Hounds are not excessive barkers by nature, but they do bark when necessary. Their barking tends to be … Read more

What’s The Best Age to Spay a Female Basset Hound?

Determining the best age to spay a female Basset Hound is an important decision that affects the dog’s long-term health and well-being. This article will explore the veterinarian consensus on the ideal age for spaying, the advantages and disadvantages of spaying at different stages, and other alternatives to traditional spaying. Veterinarian Consensus on Spaying Age The general recommendation among veterinarians is to spay female dogs, including Basset Hounds, before their first heat cycle, typically around six months of age. This … Read more

What’s The Best Age to Neuter a Male Basset Hound?

Basset Hounds, known for their distinctive long ears and droopy eyes, are a beloved breed with a calm and friendly disposition. A critical health decision for owners of male Basset Hounds is determining the appropriate age for neutering. This article explores the veterinarian consensus on the optimal age to neuter a male Basset Hound, weighs the advantages and disadvantages of neutering at various ages, and discusses alternatives to traditional neutering. 1. Understanding Neutering in Basset Hounds Neutering, or the surgical … Read more

Can a Basset Hound Live in An Apartment?

Basset Hounds, originally bred for hunting due to their keen sense of smell, have become beloved companions in many homes. Their moderate size and generally relaxed nature make them appear as suitable candidates for apartment living. However, understanding their specific needs, temperament, and behavior is essential for ensuring a happy and healthy life for both the dog and the owner in an apartment setting. 1. Understanding the Basset Hound’s Temperament Basset Hounds are known for their gentle, laid-back, and sometimes … Read more

How Often Do You Need To Groom a Basset Hound?

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, are beloved for their gentle and laid-back nature. Their grooming needs, often overshadowed by their charm, are unique to their breed characteristics. Regular grooming is crucial not only for the appearance of these endearing hounds but also for their health and comfort. This article will explore the specific grooming needs of Basset Hounds and how often each grooming task should be carried out to keep these lovable dogs … Read more

How Much Exercise Does a Basset Hound Need?

Basset Hounds are known for their distinctive build: long, muscular bodies, short legs, and an extraordinary sense of smell. This breed has a storied past as a hunting companion, capable of great endurance and persistence. However, their exercise needs in a modern domestic setting may not be as intensive as one might think. Understanding how much exercise Basset Hounds need, as well as the type of exercise that is best for them, is crucial for their physical health and mental … Read more

How Often Do I Take a Basset Hound Outside to Pee?

Basset Hounds are known for their charming droopy eyes, long ears, and low-slung bodies. While they make wonderful and affectionate companions, like all dogs, they have specific needs when it comes to outdoor bathroom breaks. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how often you should take a Basset Hound outside to pee, considering their age and individual factors. Understanding your Basset Hound’s bathroom needs is essential to ensure their well-being and maintain a clean and comfortable living environment. The … Read more

Monthly Cost to Own a Basset Hound

Basset Hounds are easily recognized by their long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs. Known for their gentle demeanor and excellent sense of smell, they make great family pets. This article will outline the estimated monthly costs involved in caring for a Basset Hound in 2023, taking into account the necessities such as food, healthcare, grooming, and other essentials. 1. Food Expenses Basset Hounds are prone to obesity, so it’s important to feed them high-quality dog food that keeps their … Read more

Breed Overview

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears and droopy eyes, are known for their excellent sense of smell and calm temperament. They make great companions for families and individuals alike.


Physical Characteristics
  • Size Medium to Large
  • Height Up to 15 inches at the shoulder
  • Weight 40-65 pounds
  • Lifespan 10-12 years
  • Coat Short, smooth, and dense
  • Color Commonly tricolor (tan, black, and white), but also exists in two-color combinations such as lemon and white, red and white, or black and white
  • Grooming Low to moderate; regular brushing and occasional baths
  • Temperament Gentle, friendly, and laid-back; known for being affectionate and good-natured
  • Energy Level Moderate; enjoys leisurely walks and sniffing around
  • Intelligence Moderate
Health Needs
  • Exercise Moderate; needs regular exercise but is not overly energetic
  • Trainability Independent but can be trained with patience and consistency
  • Socialization Sociable with both people and other animals; benefits from early socialization
  • Grooming Low to moderate; regular brushing and occasional baths
  • Health Issues Prone-to-back problems due to their long spine, obesity, ear infections, and eye conditions
  • Suitability for Families Excellent; known for being good with children
  • Suitable Living Space Adaptable to various living situations, but needs space for moderate exercise; not well-suited for living outdoors due to their sociable nature

About the Breed

Originally bred for hunting due to their keen sense of smell, Basset Hounds are excellent trackers. Despite their hunting background, they are more often found as companion animals today.

History of the Breed

The Basset Hound originated in France and descended from the old St. Hubert Hounds. They were bred to hunt small game and are known for their ability to follow a scent trail.


Fun Facts About the Basset Hound

What To Expect When Caring For a Basset Hound


Prone to back problems due to their long spine, obesity, ear infections, and eye conditions. Regular health check-ups and attention to their weight and diet are important.


Requires regular brushing and occasional baths. Their coat is low-maintenance, but they do shed. Ear care is essential due to their long, floppy ears, which can trap moisture and lead to infections.


Moderate exercise needs. Daily walks and playtime are sufficient. They enjoy sniffing and exploring but should be kept on a leash or in a secure area due to their tracking instincts.


Known for being somewhat stubborn, they respond best to patient, consistent training methods. Early obedience training and socialization are recommended.


A well-balanced diet appropriate for their size and activity level is necessary. Monitor their food intake to prevent obesity, a common issue in the breed.

Caring for a Basset Hound requires understanding their unique physical and emotional needs. They thrive in environments where they can be part of the family and engage in moderate activities. With proper care and attention, Basset Hounds make loving, loyal, and delightful companions.

Basset Hound Common Health Issues and Recommended Tests

The Basset Hound, with its distinctive appearance and charming personality, is generally a robust breed. However, like all breeds, they are predisposed to certain health conditions. Awareness of these conditions and conducting recommended tests can help in maintaining their health.

Description: Due to their long spine and short legs, Basset Hounds are prone to back issues, including intervertebral disc disease.

Description: Their long, floppy ears can trap moisture and lead to chronic ear infections.

Description: Their love for food and tendency to gain weight can lead to various health problems.

Description: Including glaucoma and cherry eye.

Description: A blood clotting disorder that is inherited in some Basset Hounds.

Back Problems

Description: Due to their long spine and short legs, Basset Hounds are prone to back issues, including intervertebral disc disease.

Ear Infections

Description: Their long, floppy ears can trap moisture and lead to chronic ear infections.


Description: Their love for food and tendency to gain weight can lead to various health problems.

Eye Conditions

Description: Including glaucoma and cherry eye.


Description: A blood clotting disorder that is inherited in some Basset Hounds.

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to catch any health issues early, and prompt attention to any changes in your dog's behavior or appearance is key. With proper care and attention to health, Basset Hounds can lead happy, healthy lives as beloved members of their families.

Prescription Medication Assistance for Basset Hounds

The iHeartDogs Free Rx Discount Card Program is a pet prescription discount card that can help you save money on your furry friend’s medications. The card is free to sign up for, and you can use it at participating pharmacies nationwide. To use the free program, simply show the card to your pharmacist when you pick up your pet’s prescription. The pharmacist will then scan the card, and you will receive a discount on the price of the medication.LEARN MORE

How Much Does It Cost To Care For A Basset Hound?

Caring for a Basset Hound involves various annual expenses, which can vary depending on factors such as your location, the individual dog’s needs, and the level of care you choose to provide. Here’s a general breakdown of the annual costs for a Basset Hound:

The cost of a Basset Hound puppy from a reputable breeder can be quite pricey. Always consider adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.

Initial Cost

$500 - 1500

Potential Additional Costs:

When searching for a reputable breeder, seek online reviews, and advice from vets, groomers, and fellow Basset Hound enthusiasts.

Initial supplies like a crate, bed, bowls, collar, and leash can really add up.

Initial Cost

$200 - 500

Potential Additional Costs:

You may already have many of these items at home. Costs will vary depending on your purchase choices.

Basset Hounds require high-quality dog food and treats for a medium to large breed

Estimated Cost

$500 - 1000

Potential Additional Costs:

Learn more about the best quality dog food for Basset Hounds.

Basset Hounds require moderate grooming, including regular brushing to manage shedding and bathing as needed. Attention to ear cleaning and nail trimming is also essential for their health and comfort.

Estimated Cost

$100 - 500

Potential Additional Costs:

If you choose to perform simple grooming tasks at home you will need to invest in high-quality grooming supplies, such as dog-safe shampoos, and nail trimmers.

Basset Hounds require routine vet visits for check-ups, vaccinations, and flea and tick prevention.

Estimate Cost

$400 - 800

Potential Additional Costs:

The cost of veterinary care can vary widely depending on your geographic location and many other factors. This estimate only represents the cost of wellness care, and does not include any potential illnesses or injuries that may arise.

Pet insurance offers financial protection and peace of mind, ensuring that you can afford necessary veterinary care in the event of an emergency.

Estimated Cost

$200 - 600

Potential Additional Costs:

Insurance premiums vary depending on the coverage you choose as well as your Basset Hound's age and health. Get a FREE, no-strings quote from the top pet insurers!

Your Basset Hound will need toys, chews, wellness supplements, car safety equipment, and other supplies throughout their life.

Estimated Cost

$100 - 300

Potential Additional Costs:

Additional supplies can add up depending on the level of care you provide your pup.

Professional training is extremely important, but can add several hundred dollars to the cost of your dog's care.

Estimated Cost

$200 - 2500

Potential Additional Costs:

Online Courses are available and can help you save money.

Setting aside funds for unexpected health issues is always a good idea.

Estimated Cost

Varies based on need

Potential Additional Costs:

Can easily reach into the thousands with surgical costs, IVs, medications and after hours treatment.

If you travel or work long hours, you may need boarding or pet sitting services.

Estimated Cost

Varies based on need

Potential Additional Costs:

Overnight-boarding, day-boarding, and pet-sitting costs vary depending on the area you live, length of stay/frequency of services, and the amenities offered by the boarding facility or pet sitter.

A one-time fee for microchipping and annual local licensing fees.

Estimated Cost

$50 - 200

Total Estimated Annual Cost:

$2250 - $7900

It's important to note that these figures are estimates and can vary. Also, the first year of owning a dog can be more expensive due to one-time costs like spaying/neutering, initial vaccinations, and training. Regular budgeting for your dog's needs and an emergency fund for unforeseen costs are essential for responsible pet ownership.

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