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How Can I Save Money On Grooming?

Saving money on dog grooming

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Grooming is important for your dog’s health, but it can also be expensive. The high prices are because grooming services are a lot of work, with the biggest, fluffiest dogs often being the most time-consuming. Fully grooming your dog yourself is not an option for most dog parents because you need to be confident and knowledgeable to … Read more

A Professional Groomer’s Guide To Stay-At-Home Grooming

Some pet services have been deemed essential during COVID-19, such as boarding kennels and dog daycares. Grooming salons, however, have been forced to temporarily shut their doors. There are many ways dog parents can keep their dogs clean, comfortable, and snuggly fresh during the stay-at-home order. We asked a professional groomer and pet salon owner to weigh in with his advice. GG’s Pet Salon’s Owner is Our Expert Gavin Hardy is a professional certified groomer who recently opened his own … Read more

5 Essential Grooming Tips For Dogs

Grooming your dog is a crucial part of caring for them, and failing to do it can lower their quality of life. Grooming your dog regularly could even help save their life if you spot lumps, bumps, or disease-causing ticks. Taking your dog to the groomer can be time-consuming and expensive (but if you need a little outside help, here are some tips for finding the best groomer for your dog). Luckily, there are a lot of things you can do … Read more

How Often Should I Bathe My Dog?

“How often should I bathe my dog?” It’s the type of question that every dog owner asks from time to time, and it’s one with no simple answer. It depends on a variety of factors ranging from their breed to their health to their lifestyle. If your dog hates bath time, you may want to go longer between baths, but how long is too long? If you like a very clean dog, how often is too often to wash your … Read more

Ask A Groomer: How Often Should I Groom My Dog?

After 12 years of grooming dogs, I have worked with every breed, dealt with every situation, and answered countless questions. The most common thing new owners ask me is how often they should groom their dogs. The answer depends on what type of coat your pooch has, how much they shed, and how much brushing and bathing you are willing to do at home. Keeping in mind that all dogs, regardless of breed, should have their nails trimmed at least … Read more

5 Surprising Tools For Grooming Your Dog At Home

Have you ever wondered what unusual tools can help you groom your dog at home? Here are five secret tools groomers use on their own dogs. 1. Olive or Coconut Oil  Has your dog ever come home from a walk covered in burrs? Brushing them out can be painful for your dog. Picking them out yourself can be tough on your hands. Rubbing oil into the fur around the burrs will reduce the friction and help the burrs slide out … Read more

Ask A Groomer: What’s A Puppy Cut?

Have you ever asked a groomer for a puppy cut and been given a strange look – or, worse, a bad haircut? Would you be surprised if I told you the term “puppy cut” actually doesn’t give the groomer very much information? What should you say to make sure your dog looks perfect? A puppy cut could look like this… The term puppy cut originally referred to a fluffy trim given to Poodles for the show ring before they were … Read more

From A Groomer: 3 Reasons Not To Shave Your Double-Coated Dog

If your dog sheds a lot, you’ve probably thought about shaving them to reduce the amount of hair left around your house. Maybe you thought shaving your dog would keep them cooler in the summer. Perhaps you think your dog would look cute shaved. Generally, dogs whose hair only grows to a certain length and then stops, and specifically double-coated dogs – dogs that have an undercoat that sheds out – should not be shaved. Here are three reasons why … Read more

Ask A Groomer: What Is A Mat?

Has the groomer ever shaved part or all of your dog and claimed it was due to matting, but you didn’t really understand what that meant? What is a mat anyway? Why is that a reason your dog can’t have long fluffy hair? A mat is a large tangle of hair that will feel like a lump in your dog’s coat. Small mats might be able to be brushed out without causing your dog too much pain, but attempting to … Read more

Ask A Groomer: How Can I Prepare My Puppy For Grooming?

Want to set your puppy up for success? Here are five things you can do at home to ensure that your puppy has a lifetime of safe and positive experiences at the groomer. Touch and hold their feet. Several times a day, start by briefly touching each foot, then rewarding with a treat. Move on to holding each paw for several seconds before rewarding. The goal is to be able to trim their nails without upsetting them. Most dogs will … Read more

Ask A Groomer: How Should Grooming Change As My Dog Ages?

As our dogs age, they can develop many health issues that can impact the grooming process. What changes should you consider making for older dogs to have the best grooming experience? 1. Shorter grooming appointments. Arthritis is a common problem in older dogs. Whether it’s standing for the duration of the grooming or lying in an uncomfortable kennel for several hours, long grooming appointments can be painful for our older friends. Ask the groomer if your dog would benefit from … Read more

Ask A Groomer: 5 Secret Hacks For Grooming Your Dog At Home

Taking care of your dog’s grooming needs can be a bit of a chore. Here are 5 hacks to make the process easier for both you and your dog. 1. Put dog toothpaste directly on your finger. At first, you can let your dog lick the toothpaste off. Once they get a taste for it, gradually get them used to putting your finger in their mouth and rubbing the toothpaste over the teeth. The enzymatic toothpaste will help clean their teeth even without … Read more

Ask A Groomer: How Does Coat Type Affect Grooming?

Did you know that dogs have seven coat types and that each type requires different grooming? Apart from monthly nail trims, here’s how much grooming each coat type requires. Smooth – These dogs have short hair that lies close to their skin, like the Pug. A rubber curry brush will help with shedding. There are other popular de-shedding tools, but overuse can lead to bald spots and skin irritation. Leave that to a groomer, no more than once a month. … Read more

Ask A Groomer: Why Does My Dog Hate Going To The Groomer?

Have you ever wondered why your dog hates going to the groomer? It might not have anything to do with the specific groomer you take them to; there may be something else making them nervous. Here are 5 reasons your dog might hate going to the groomer. 1. They are afraid of the dryer. The dryers groomers use are more powerful and much louder than the hair dryer you use at home. Dogs have more sensitive hearing than humans and … Read more

Ask A Groomer: Can Grooming Improve My Dog’s Health?

Did you know infrequent grooming can affect your dog’s health? If you thought grooming was just about making your dog look nice, read on! Overgrown nails can change your dog’s gait, leading to arthritis, injuries, and other problems. They can curl all the way around into the foot pads, causing pain. Longer nails are at higher risk of being torn off, which can be a painful, bloody mess. Even if your dog hates nail trims, wouldn’t you rather upset them … Read more

Ask A Groomer: How Can I Reduce My Dog’s Anxiety About Grooming?

Does your dog start to shake as soon as you pull into the groomer’s parking lot? Have you found a great groomer but your dog is still anxious? Here are four tips to help you reduce your dog’s anxiety about grooming. 1. Develop a positive association with the grooming salon and the groomer. This is the first thing you’ll want to do! Bring your dog to the salon at least once a week for the purpose of giving treats without any … Read more

How Can I Find The Best Groomer For My Dog?

Do you worry that your dog hates grooming? Are you concerned about finding the right groomer for your puppy? Are your dog’s nails clacking on the floor? Here are some tips for finding the best groomer for your dog’s needs. 1. Ask salons how they do their scheduling. Groom shops use different scheduling methods. The type of scheduling may have an impact on how stressful or fun your furry friend finds the process. Block – With this method, groomers handle … Read more

5 Summer Grooming Tips From An Expert

As your dog starts to shed his winter coat and the weather warms up, it’s time to start thinking about all the fun things summer brings: playing in the water, late evening walks in the warm air, and even a “pupsicle” or two. It also means it’s time to make sure your dog is groomed properly for the season. Andis Grooming Educator Tammy Siert provided us with the following tips to make sure your dog is ready for some (safe) … Read more

6 Grooming Tips To Keep Your Dog Healthy During The Cold, Wet Months

In the winter and spring months, it can be easy to figure there is no point in grooming your dog. You may think: they are inside all the time and therefore “stay clean,” or they just go right back outside and immediately become a mud puppy again. “There’s a common misconception that dogs don’t need to be groomed, or only groomed minimally, over the winter months,” Alyssa Hill, DogTown Groomer, Best Friends Animal Society told iHeartDogs. “The incorrect belief is that a dog’s … Read more

Top 10 Dog Grooming Tips

We all want our dogs to look their best, but having them professionally groomed all the time is not financially feasible for everyone. Brent Lotz, veterinary assistant and dog groomer, gives the following top 10 dog grooming tips to help make your dog look like he just stepped out of the beauty parlor. #1 – Baby Powder Have tangles? Baby powder is your new best friend. Sprinkle it on your dog’s tangles and you will be able to comb them … Read more