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11 yr old new habit….barking long periods

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    • #742261

      Our 11 year old Rebel, has recently started a new behavior. Although he has always been very excited when we get home, but lately he has started barking (especially if it’s me, not so much for me husband), from the time I walk in and it goes on for 20 to 30 minutes! I great him, verbally correct the behavior, pet him, nothing works! He also does this if a visitor comes in. I don’t understand what he wants. I let him out, check his water, etc. any ideas or suggestions?

    • #825191

      Possible a sign of dementia. He knows barking is welcoming you home. But sort if forgot when to stop.
      I lost my 11 year old “Old Man, Maxx” July if this year. But he would start to do something and then sort of look like he forgot how…. Not sure if I’m explaining it correctly. But the get told me that he just forgets parts of what to do. He might also be losing his hearing.
      You might try very small chewy treats. As soon as he’s quiet for a second slip him one. As soon as he’s finished slip him another one. Sort of helping him to forget that he was barking.
      Hope it helps. But most of all give him all the love you can now. They leave a giant hole in your heart when their gone……

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