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Can my 14 year old shepard mix be okay with a huge growth without suffering?

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    • #1027416

      I took two of the nine puppies, a turkey baster, and a case of pedialite. Someone had just dropped off a pregnant black Shepard mix with a neighbor. The litter started vomiting with diarrhea at just a few days old. We thought they had parvo After nursing them along they finally stopped whimpering puking and pooping after three long days and nights. I couldn’t give them back. That’s how I met Dominance and Demona, the crazy sisters that owned me for the last 14 years. They were escape artists, destucto- pooches, devious and incredibly lovable dogs that had become my babies, my canine family. About three years ago Demona started getting up and down slower and slower. She was obviously in pain. When she started yelping and whining for extended periods of time, usually until the tramadol would kick in … I had to put her down. I found a vet that came to the house. That was last year. Now Dominance has had a couple of growths on her for about two years, they have not seemed to bother her at all though, she is in great spirits and always wagging her tail and being her silly self… However the one on her belly has suddenly gotten huge in a short time ( like two months or so ) I just lost my job last month and I’m really worried that she is going to need to cross that rainbow bridge and I am not going to have the funds to bring the vet back. I cant stand the idea of putting her down when the quality of her life seems unaffected, she seems happy and comfortable. Any advise or thoughts are welcome. Thanks,…. and sorry for the long read .

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