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Could My Puppy Have Rabies? My unvaccinated puppy got bit by a stray!

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    • #1074999

      Hello Everyone, this is a emergency. In short, my unvaccinated puppy got bit (more like a scratch) by a stray.

      Today morning i had taken my 6 month old Indian Spitz( This breed is only registered in kennel club of India, none others) puppy out for a short walk to do his business.
      He was pulling me back home so I assumed he doesn’t want to go now and we turned to walk to home. That’s when 3 strays came running and surrounded us.We invaded their territory. this was not the first time, but other times they only barked and followed. The whole scene lasted about for seconds. I turned behind to shoo off one dog and when i turned to my front again, all i could see was a glance of a another dog’s mouth on my Nemo. Someone people shooed all of them away and i picked him up at the same time.
      When we reached home we found a small wound on his right rear. I washed it with anti-septic solution and used Neosporin powder. This was in the morning before 10 am.
      Later in the evening when he got up and took him out(this time just below our building which is safer) i noticed his left hind leg seemed wobbly and he was finding the ‘Poo position’ difficult to maintain. I remember the dog was standing on Nemo’s left when i looked.
      Could this be because of the dog bite or did he show rabies symptoms?( so early?)
      This place where we live is a central govt. quarters that has over 500 homes.

      And to make sure i went on a round through the whole quarters and numbered about 25 strays. As i saw only a glance of the dog that bit Nemo i found 3 look-alikes. One of them was sterilized and vaccinated( understood by the cut on right ear which is a mark) and other two were not. What i’m assuming is those dogs whose territory we invaded were not vaccinated.

      There is no chaos in the quarters of a rapid dog.
      I know the ultimate solution is to go to a vet, but situations compel me to wait till tomorrow, i can go only tomorrow morning(early morning! )

      I know this is damn toooo long! But i have lost my peace of mind and writing this helped me to get back some of it…
      (Nemo’s last shot was supposed to be AR but the staff made a mistake and he got DHPPi a 3rd time! 🙁 and we were planning to go tomorrow to get it – my parents can make it only then!)

    • #1075024

      He has been eating well, drinking etc. He did behave a little strange right after we came back home after going out in the evening.(probably because of the pain?) and then went to sleep and now he is perfectly himself.

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