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My dog attacked another dog today at dog park

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    • #785244

      Hi guys I have a 1yr old beagle boy. He is my service (seizure) dog. I’ve had him since 9wks. He’s the most loyal. Sweetest and friendliest dog I’ve ever had. But he will not allow other dogs to jump up onto me. That’s the only time he will growl or show his teeth. He loves all dogs and all people. Today at the dog park a large dog jumped up onto the bench I was sitting on and my dog ran right over and growled for him to get down. The dog did get down but then he jumped back up and was all over me even as I tried to push the dog away he wouldn’t leave me alone. He was also growling at me and it kinda scares me. Well my beagle grabbed this dog and attacked it. I was shocked and I grabbed my dog right away but I’m not sure what to do in a case like this. I realize my dog is not doing anything to be mean but I also do not want him to feel he has to attack a dog if the dog is on me bothering me. In this case this large dog wasn’t being nice to me at all but I still felt badly that my beagle attacked this dog. Has anyone experienced anything like this and what can I do in this sorta situation?

    • #987358

      Shhh your dog loves you and doesn’t want any other dog getting close to you. I have a 12 year old beagle and he is very jealous. There has only been one dog that he was really jealous of and he was a big darling white lab that belonged to a friend. I think he just sensed how much the dog loved me and was jealous. He would bark and run towards him as if to say get away from my mom. She is MY mom. My sister and brother have small dogs and Max is never bothered by any of them. How did you get your beagle to be a service dog?


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