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My three year old male is too skinny in my eyes

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    • #1113605

      My 3 year old eats well, buy grain free food but to me he looks emeciated. I figured he would of toned up a little more muscle by now. He is 55 #’s but i am concerned with how tiny he is. Vet has no concerns because he’s healthy but i do

    • #1152341

      We have a female who will soon (in June) be 11 years old. She’s always been between 50-55 lbs. She’s just a small Boxer, especially compared to our 8 year old male who is 70 lbs. of solid muscle. We have only ever fed our Boxers Royal Canin Boxer formula. Trigger: We did lose our 80 lb. male last year to lymphoma. His demise was rapid though and he was basically skin and bones in a short 3 month’s time.

    • #1873417

      If your vet is not worried, don’t worry. Boxers are supposed to have definite hips and deep chest. A thin dog in the long run is much healthier.

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