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Overcoming Timidness in Puppy from possible Puppy Mill Situation

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    • #742805

      I don’t know if this is the place to ask this but here goes –
      I have a 4 1/2 mo old female whom we just aquired (3 weeks ago) from a breeder out of state. The breeder was obviously not upfront with how she raised/handled the pups and I’m getting the feeling she raised them like a puppy mill ( which I am so against!) . My problem is this, our little girl is extreamly shy and timid. She will only let you pet/touch her when she wants, every other time she tries to run or cowers. She gets along great with our male Corso and our Lab. We took her for a run with the boys yesterday and she seemed to love it but when we got back she seemed to backslide. I have even changed my work schedual to work overnights so she is sleeping and I have all day to work with her.
      Can anyone offer any helpful suggestions? I have tried treats, use a harness for the leash instead of a collar because she freaks out. I know what a powerful stubborn breed(my male was easy – stubborn yes but a huge sweetheart and easy to train as a puppy!) this is so I don’t want this to escalate before she becomes to powerful. Any positive suggestions would be appreciated.
      Thank you!

    • #776559

      Honestly, my adivice would be to not baby her at all! Make sure she has her own independence and she becomes brave and she doesn’t get that independence from you or another animal because that creates an unstable and unpredictable dog. So seperate yourself from her. A lone time is important as well as is socializatipn. People think it is cute when they cower and run to you or anything for protection, but that is actually a very unstable unhealthy dog. Make sure you aren’t letting her have any control over if she gets pet or where she gets pet or if she has a collar on or not, she will adapt. That is the best thing you can do, do the things she doesn’t like honestly. But good luck!

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