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10 Commands Every Dog Should Know

Written by: Renee Moen
| Published on July 16, 2020

Carin Terrier


The most basic of commands, this is one of the first cues taught. Asking a dog to sit ensures a calmer more focused response to the next cue.

shutterstock_126686363 Focus

Other phrases used are watch, watch me, look. The focus cue provides the owner with their dog’s undivided attention.  It is a step by step process that is worth the effort once the cue has been mastered.


shutterstock_70681657 Down

Some owners prefer lay, lay down, on the belly. Whatever terminology is used the expectation is pretty clear. Some owners prefer to have their dogs lie down instead of sit.

shutterstock_37286959 Stay

If not stay other owners use wait or hold. There are dogs that get it and dogs that don’t. Some dogs will hold the cue until released, no matter how long they have to wait. Others will come over and ask if they’re done with the wait.

Rhodesian Stealth Leave It

Occasionally, a negative sound may be used instead of words. Good for dogs that need a little help remembering boundaries. This cue protects slippers, squirrels and the odd stuffed animal. Some owners use it while leash walking to diffuse aggression before it escalates.

shutterstock_108006779 Drop It

For the dog who couldn’t obey the “Leave It” cue. Drop it, should come into play whenever a dog has something in their mouth they aren’t supposed to have.

shutterstock_168798815 Off

No more counter surfing allowed! When a dog is on a piece of furniture he isn’t supposed to be on, this useful cue lets him know it’s not okay.



Dogs should move for humans, not the other way around. Dominant personalities will take advantage of an owner who has to walk over or around them. Teaching them to move when asked lets them know who’s in charge.



This is another cue where some dogs get it and some don’t. Consistent training by using the cue every day will retain the prompt, making it easier to recall.

French Bulldog Laundry To Your Spot

Some other phrasing may be go, in your hole, or away. A mess needs to be cleaned up, and the dog is curious about it. The dog is stressed, pacing and doesn’t know where to go. Attaching a prompt, basically sending them to their room, helps ease tension for both human and fur baby. Their special spot could be a crate, a bed or even a blanket in front of the dryer. As long as the dog feels secure in his “spot,” this cue is easy and effective.


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