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10 Hilarious Things Only a Bullmastiff Owner Would Understand

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 16, 2023

Hello, fellow Bullmastiff buffs! If you’ve navigated your way to this laugh-laden alcove of the internet, you’re likely a Bullmastiff owner, considering becoming one, or simply a fan of entertaining dog narratives. So, settle in and prepare for a rib-tickling ride into the wonderfully amusing world of Bullmastiff ownership.

  1. The Stealthy Sofa Sitter

    Despite their hefty size, Bullmastiffs have an uncanny ability to sneak onto the sofa without you noticing. You’ll leave the room for a moment, only to return and find your Bullmastiff sprawled across the entire sofa, looking as innocent as a puppy.

  2. The Snoring Symphony

    Bullmastiffs are known for their impressive snoring abilities. Their nightly symphony can reach decibel levels that rival a freight train. You’ll find yourself investing in earplugs and learning to appreciate the “music.”

  3. The Drool Dilemma

    With a Bullmastiff, drool becomes a part of your daily life. It’ll be on your clothes, your furniture, and occasionally, it’ll even reach your ceiling. You’ll find yourself adopting the motto, “The more drool, the more love.”

  4. The Lap Dog Illusion

    Despite their large size, Bullmastiffs firmly believe they are lap dogs. They’ll try to perch on your lap, not quite understanding why your knees are buckling under their weight.

  5. The Unlikely Acrobat

    Bullmastiffs have a surprising ability to fit themselves into small spaces. They’ll squeeze under tables, curl up in tiny beds, and somehow, manage to turn themselves into canine contortionists.

  6. The Food Connoisseur

    Bullmastiffs are food enthusiasts. They’ll eat their meals with such gusto, you’ll wonder if they’re partaking in a fine dining experience rather than a simple doggy dinner.

  7. The Tail of Destruction

    A Bullmastiff’s tail is a force to be reckoned with. It’s like a wrecking ball, wiping out everything in its path. You’ll learn to keep your coffee cups out of the tail’s reach and warn your guests about the impending tail whirlwind.

  8. The Canine Heater

    With their large, warm bodies, Bullmastiffs make for excellent personal heaters. You’ll never need an extra blanket as long as you have your Bullmastiff snuggled up next to you.

  9. The Silent Guardian

    Bullmastiffs have a protective nature that often leads to hilarious “guard duty” situations. They’ll keep a watchful eye on the postman, the squirrels, and even the vacuum cleaner, ready to protect their family from these “dangerous” threats.

  10. The Gentle Giant

    Despite their intimidating size, Bullmastiffs are gentle, loving creatures. They’ll nudge you with their big, wet nose or give you a paw when they want attention, reminding you that underneath their big, tough exterior lies a big, soft heart.

And there you have it! The endearingly funny world of Bullmastiff ownership, where every day is an adventure filled with laughter, love, and a whole lot of drool. These big, affectionate, and somewhat clumsy dogs are more than just pets; they’re family. Once you’ve experienced life with a Bullmastiff, no other breed will quite fill your heart (or lap) the same way.

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