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10 Hilarious Things Only a Shih Tzu Owner Would Understand

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 16, 2023

Hello, fellow Shih Tzu fanatics! As a lifelong owner, I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my home with these little furballs for years. These dogs, with their vibrant personalities, luxurious coats, and a stubborn streak as wide as the Great Wall of China, are the epitome of pint-sized grandeur. If you are lucky enough to be owned by a Shih Tzu (let’s face it, they’re the ones in charge), here are ten hilariously relatable scenarios you will undoubtedly recognize.

1. The Unruly ‘Do

If your morning routine includes combing out your Shih Tzu’s bedhead, you’re in good company. These dogs wake up looking like they’ve just stepped off the set of a hair metal band’s music video. Add in a pair of sleepy eyes peeking through the chaos, and you’ve got an 80s rockstar in canine form.

2. The Paw of Rejection

Ever tried convincing a Shih Tzu to go outside in the rain? If so, you’ve likely been met with the Paw of Rejection – that dainty little paw that pushes against your hand, signifying, “Nope, not happening, human.” It’s like they think they’re made of sugar and might melt. Or perhaps it’s just their diva nature shining through.

3. The Blanket Burrower

Despite their regal appearance, Shih Tzus love nothing more than transforming into burritos by rolling themselves in blankets. You might spend hours looking for them only to find a lump under your duvet, snoring peacefully. They’re masters of hide-and-seek, and the house rule is: if you can’t see them, they’re probably cocooned somewhere.

4. The Anti-Watchdog

Let’s face it; if a burglar ever broke into your house, your Shih Tzu would likely roll over for belly rubs instead of barking. Their ‘guard dog’ instincts are as small as their size. But hey, at least they’ll charm the socks off anyone who enters – invited or not.

5. The Snubbed Toys

Shih Tzus are known for their selective preferences when it comes to toys. You might spend a small fortune on the latest squeaky sensation, but nothing compares to a good old cardboard box or a worn-out shoe. Sorry, human, your taste in dog toys is simply not up to par!

6. The Shih Tzu Stare

Ever felt like you’re being watched? Well, as a Shih Tzu owner, you probably are. These dogs have a knack for staring at their humans with such intensity that you might start questioning your life choices. They’re either plotting world domination or wondering when dinner is, there’s really no in-between.

7. The Snorting Serenade

If you’ve ever been serenaded with a symphony of snorts, grunts, and snuffles, congratulations! You’re a Shih Tzu owner. Their flat faces might be adorable, but they do produce some unique sounds. In fact, you might even mistake your sleeping Shih Tzu for a piglet.

8. The Lap-Hog

Forget personal space. If you’ve got a Shih Tzu, your lap is their throne, whether you’re ready to serve as their royal cushion or not. It doesn’t matter if you’re working, eating, or about to get up; if a Shih Tzu has claimed your lap, you’re not going anywhere.

9. The Food Detective

Despite their small stature, Shih Tzus have a sixth sense for detecting food. You can’t so much as think about a snack without them knowing. And if you try to hide it? Ha! They’ll track it down faster than a bloodhound on the scent.

10. The Unconditional Love

The most hilarious thing about owning a Shih Tzu? The lengths we’ll go to for these little dogs. Whether we’re acting as their personal groomer, professional lap, or snack dispenser, we wouldn’t change a thing. Because every snort, stare, and snub is a reminder of their unmatchable personalities and the unconditional love they give us in return.

In the end, owning a Shih Tzu is a joyous (and hilarious) journey. They might be small, but they sure know how to make a big impact. So here’s to all the Shih Tzu owners out there, living the quirky, love-filled, laughter-inducing life that only we can understand.

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