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11 Ways to Treat & Prevent Ear Infections in Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on June 6, 2023

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are robust dogs, known for their keen sense of smell and love for water. However, their unique water-resistant coat and frequent water activities can predispose them to ear infections. This guide will help you understand how to treat and prevent ear infections in your Chesapeake Bay Retriever.

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1. Regular Ear Cleaning

Cleaning your dog’s ears regularly helps prevent the buildup of wax and debris, which can lead to infections. Be sure to use a gentle, vet-approved ear-cleaning solution.

Our favorite ear cleaner is these PetMD brand ear wipes on Amazon. 

2. Proper Drying After Swimming or Baths

Ensure your dog’s ears are thoroughly dried after they have been in the water. This can help to prevent the growth of bacteria that thrive in damp environments.

3. Incorporating Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Their Diet

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil and flaxseeds, can help to reduce inflammation and prevent allergies, reducing the likelihood of ear infections. Incorporating these into your dog’s diet can be beneficial.

We’re fans of this Norwegian salmon oil on Amazon. It’s a bright orangish-pink color and has no fishy smell at all due to its ultra-high purity.

4. Regular Vet Checks

Regular vet checks can help detect early signs of an ear infection. Early detection can lead to more successful treatment and prevent complications.

5. Removal of Allergens

If your Chesapeake Bay Retriever is prone to allergies, it’s important to identify and eliminate any potential allergens from their environment. Allergies can lead to inflammation, making your dog more susceptible to ear infections.

A few good supplements to help your dog’s allergies are apple cider vinegar, quercetin, and colostrum, all of which are found in many natural allergy supplements like this one. 

6. Vaccinations

Regular vaccinations can help to strengthen your dog’s immune system, making them less likely to develop infections.

7. Prescription Medication

If an ear infection does occur, your vet may prescribe topical or oral medication to treat it. Ensure to complete the entire course of treatment.

8. Surgery in Severe Cases

In some chronic or severe cases, surgical intervention may be required to prevent further ear infections. This could involve improving ear drainage or removing polyps.

9. Balanced Diet

A balanced diet can strengthen your dog’s immune system, making it better equipped to fight off infections.

10. Use of E-Collars

An e-collar can prevent your dog from scratching or irritating an infected ear, helping the healing process.

11. Clean Environment

Keeping your dog’s living environment clean can reduce exposure to bacteria and allergens, minimizing the chance of ear infections.

FAQs on Ear Infections in Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

1. Q: What are the signs of ear infections in Chesapeake Bay Retrievers?

A: Signs include scratching at the ear, shaking of the head, redness in the ear, unusual discharge, or a foul smell from the ear.

2. Q: How often should I clean my Chesapeake Bay Retriever’s ears?

A: Ideally, once a week. If your dog is prone to ear infections, your vet may recommend more frequent cleaning.

3. Q: Can I use human ear drops on my dog?

A: No. Only use treatments prescribed by your vet. Human medication may be harmful to dogs.

4. Q: How do Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent ear infections?

A: Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help combat allergies that often lead to ear infections.

5. Q: Why does my Chesapeake Bay Retriever keep getting ear infections?

A: This could be due to several factors, including allergies, excess moisture, or underlying health conditions. Consult your vet for accurate diagnosis.

6. Q: Can ear infections cause hearing loss in my dog?

A: If left untreated, chronic ear infections can potentially cause hearing loss. Always seek treatment for ear infections promptly.

7. Q: Can I prevent my dog from getting ear infections?

A: While not all ear infections can be prevented, regular cleaning, maintaining a balanced diet, removing allergens, and regular vet checks can greatly reduce the risk.

8. Q: Is it safe to use cotton swabs for cleaning my dog’s ears?

A: Cotton swabs can push debris further into the ear canal and potentially cause damage. Use a vet-approved cleaning solution and a soft cloth instead.

9. Q: How can I tell if my dog has allergies?

A: Signs can include excessive scratching, skin inflammation, vomiting, diarrhea, and frequent ear infections. Consult your vet for allergy testing and management.

10. Q: Can changes in diet help prevent ear infections?

A: Yes, certain foods may cause allergies, which can lead to inflammation and subsequently ear infections. A diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids or a hypoallergenic diet may help to prevent these issues.

By implementing these preventative measures and recognizing the signs of ear infections early, you can significantly improve your Chesapeake Bay Retriever’s overall health and quality of life.

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