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11 Ways to Treat & Prevent Ear Infections in Collies

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on June 5, 2023

Collies are a beloved breed known for their agility, intelligence, and dedication. To ensure these precious companions lead a healthy life, owners need to be aware of potential health problems like ear infections. This article offers 11 ways to prevent and treat ear infections in Collies and highlights the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet to combat allergies.

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1. Regular Ear Cleaning and Checks

Ensure routine cleaning of your Collie’s ears. Watch out for symptoms such as redness, bad odor, or abnormal discharge. Always use a vet-approved ear cleaner to prevent damage.

Our favorite ear cleaner is these PetMD brand ear wipes on Amazon. 

2. Thorough Drying After Water Exposure

Collies love to play in the water, but it’s crucial to ensure their ears are thoroughly dried afterward, as the moisture can foster bacterial growth leading to ear infections.

3. Inclusion of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the Diet

Omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties, can help manage allergies that often lead to ear infections. Incorporate Omega-3-rich foods like cold-water fish, flaxseeds, or Omega-3-enhanced dog food in your Collie’s diet.

We’re fans of this Norwegian salmon oil on Amazon. It’s a bright orangish-pink color and has no fishy smell at all due to it’s ultra high purity.

4. Regular Vet Visits

Regular visits to the vet are important to catch potential ear infections early. Vets can also provide professional ear cleaning services to prevent buildup that could cause infections.

5. Allergen Avoidance

Identify and limit your Collie’s exposure to allergens, such as specific foods, dust mites, and pollen. These allergens can cause reactions leading to ear infections.

A few good supplements to help your dog’s allergies are apple cider vinegar, quercetin, and colostrum, all of which are found in many natural allergy supplements like this one. 

6. Updated Vaccinations and Parasite Control

A strong immune system can fight off infections effectively. Therefore, ensure your Collie is up-to-date on vaccinations and maintains regular parasite control.

7. Prescription Medications

If an ear infection does occur, your vet may prescribe antibiotics or antifungal drugs. Adhere to the prescribed dosage and duration for effective results.

8. Consider Surgery for Chronic Cases

For severe or chronic ear infections, surgery might be required to modify the ear canal for better drainage. Discuss this option thoroughly with your vet.

9. Probiotics for Gut Health

A healthy gut microbiome contributes to a strong immune system. Including probiotics in your Collie’s diet can help prevent ear infections by boosting overall immunity.

10. Use E-Collars

During an infection, e-collars can prevent your Collie from scratching their ears and causing further irritation. This can help expedite the healing process.

11. Maintain Overall Hygiene

Keeping your Collie’s environment clean can prevent many health issues, including ear infections. Regularly clean their bedding, toys, and feeding areas.

FAQs on Ear Infections in Collies

1. Q: How can I tell if my Collie has an ear infection?

A: Watch for signs such as frequent scratching, shaking of the head, unusual discharge, swelling, redness, or a bad smell from the ears. Consult your vet if you observe any of these symptoms.

2. Q: Are Collies more prone to ear infections?

A: Collies can be more susceptible to ear infections due to their somewhat floppy ears which can trap moisture and debris.

3. Q: How often should I clean my Collie’s ears?

A: For a healthy dog, weekly ear cleaning is typically sufficient. If your Collie is prone to ear infections, more frequent cleaning may be required.

4. Q: Can diet prevent ear infections in Collies?

A: A diet enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation associated with allergies, a common cause of ear infections.

5. Q: Can ear infections cause permanent damage?

A: If left untreated, ear infections can lead to serious complications, including hearing loss. Prompt treatment is crucial.

6. Q: Is it safe to use human ear infection medicine on my Collie?

A: No, it’s not safe to use human medication on dogs. Always use medicines as prescribed by your vet.

7. Q: What are the common allergens for Collies?

A: Common allergens can include certain food ingredients, dust mites, pollen, and some cleaning products.

8. Q: How can I incorporate Omega-3 in my Collie’s diet?

A: Omega-3 can be included in your dog’s diet through supplements or by offering Omega-3-rich foods such as fish or flaxseeds.

9. Q: Can I prevent ear infections in my Collie?

A: While not all ear infections can be prevented, regular cleaning, a balanced diet, and limiting exposure to allergens can significantly reduce the risk.

10. Q: What should I do if my Collie’s ear infection keeps recurring?

A: Recurring ear infections may suggest an underlying issue, such as an allergy or an anatomical problem. Seek a comprehensive examination and treatment plan from your vet.

By understanding and applying these measures, you can significantly mitigate the risk of ear infections in your Collie. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and early detection and treatment are vital to prevent long-term damage.

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