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5 Undeniable Signs Your Border Collie Loves You

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 22, 2023

Border Collies, best known for their intelligence and extraordinary herding abilities, are a breed full of energy, affection, and unwavering loyalty. Though they are hard-working dogs, Border Collies also possess a soft, loving side that they reserve for their favorite humans. Here are five heartwarming signs that your Border Collie unquestionably loves you.

1. The Border Collie ‘Nudge’

One of the most charming signs of a Border Collie’s affection is its gentle nudge. They may press their nose into your hand or push their head under your arm. This physical contact is their special way of saying, “I trust you, and I want your attention.”

2. The Herding Habit

Inherently, Border Collies are herders, and this trait often extends to their human family. If your Border Collie often circles around you, walks between your legs, or even tries to nudge you in a particular direction, it’s a sign of their protective love and care for you.

3. The Devoted Companion

Border Collies are known for their loyalty and desire to be near their humans. If your Border Collie follows you around, keeps you in sight, or wants to participate in what you’re doing, it’s their way of saying, “I enjoy your company, and I want to be with you.”

4. The Intelligent Interactions

Border Collies are highly intelligent and thrive on mental stimulation. If your Border Collie frequently initiates games that require problem-solving, or if they attentively learn and perform tricks for you, it’s a sign of their bond and love for you. They see you not just as their owner but as their guide and partner.

5. The Cuddly Moments

Though Border Collies are known for their energy, they also have their moments of tranquillity and affection. If your Border Collie often rests their head on your lap, leans against you, or cuddles up next to you, it’s a clear indication of their trust and love.

In conclusion, the love of a Border Collie is multifaceted, expressed through their physical affection, protective habits, loyal companionship, intellectual engagement, and heartwarming cuddly moments. Each gesture is a testament to their deep affection and connection with their human. As a Border Collie owner, understanding these signs of love strengthens the bond you share with your dog. So, cherish these endearing expressions of love, for they are the truest symbols of a love as dynamic, devoted, and intelligent as the Border Collie itself. Remember, to a Border Collie, you are not just their owner—you are their family, their guide, and their most cherished companion.

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