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5 Undeniable Signs Your Boston Terrier Loves You

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 22, 2023

Known as the “American Gentleman,” Boston Terriers are a delightful blend of affection, agility, and a charming tuxedo-like appearance. These small yet spirited dogs are known for their love for human companionship. Here are five heartwarming signs that your Boston Terrier unmistakably loves you.

1. The Boston Terrier ‘Lean’

If you’ve ever felt your Boston Terrier lean into you, that’s not just their way of finding a cozy spot; it’s a sweet expression of their love. By leaning their weight against you, they’re conveying their trust and affection. This heartwarming gesture signifies your special bond.

2. The Jolly Jump

Bostons are known for their vivaciousness, often displayed in joyful, bouncy movements. If your Boston frequently greets you with an excited jump or a lively hop, it’s their way of showing how happy they are in your presence. This enthusiastic display is a sure sign of their affection.

3. The Loving Look

One of the most endearing traits of a Boston Terrier is its expressive eyes. Bostons are known to gaze at their owners lovingly, a habit that reveals their attachment. If your Boston often looks at you with those big, soulful eyes, it’s their unique way of saying, “I love you.”

4. The Velcro Dog Syndrome

Boston Terriers are often referred to as ‘Velcro dogs’ due to their desire to stay close to their humans. If your Boston follows you around, never wanting to be too far from your side, it’s a clear indication of their deep bond and loves for you.

5. The Cuddle Companion

Despite their independent streak, Bostons are known for their love of cuddles. If your Boston often seeks out your lap, rests their head on your feet, or curls up beside you, it’s a heartfelt sign of their love and trust.

In conclusion, Boston Terriers may be small in size, but their hearts are full of love. From their affectionate ‘leans’ and excited jumps to their loving gazes, each trait is a testament to their affection for you. As a Boston Terrier owner, understanding these signs of love helps you appreciate the depth of your dog’s emotions. Cherish these gestures of love, for they are pure expressions of affection from a breed known for its amiable and loving nature. In the life of a Boston Terrier, you are not just an owner – you are their best friend, their confidant, their source of endless love and joy.

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