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7 Vital Tips for Grooming a Great Pyrenee

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 31, 2023

The Great Pyrenees, known for their majestic beauty, regal bearing, and impressively thick, white double coat, is a breed that requires particular grooming attention. To keep your Great Pyrenees looking their best, here are seven vital grooming tips:

1. Regular Brushing is Crucial

Due to their dense double coat, Great Pyrenees require frequent brushing to prevent mats and tangles. Aim to brush your dog at least twice a week using a slicker brush and a rake. This regular grooming routine will reduce shedding and maintain the coat’s natural beauty.

2. Bathing

The Great Pyrenees doesn’t require frequent baths, and doing so can strip their coat of essential oils. Every two to three months should be enough unless they’ve gotten particularly dirty. Always use a dog-friendly shampoo and ensure you rinse thoroughly to avoid any soap residue, which can cause skin irritation.

3. Blow Drying

After a bath, it’s important to thoroughly dry your Great Pyrenees. Their dense double coat can take a long time to air-dry, which can lead to skin issues. Use a pet-friendly blow dryer on a low heat setting to dry their coat completely.

4. Trimming and Thinning

The Great Pyrenees doesn’t typically require trimming, but the fur between their toes and around their ears may need regular thinning. Thinning shears can be used to remove excess hair in these areas to prevent matting and enhance comfort.

5. Regular Skin Checks

Because of their dense double coat, it can be hard to see skin issues on a Great Pyrenees. Regularly part their fur during grooming sessions to check for any redness, inflammation, parasites, or abnormalities.

6. Nail Care

Great Pyrenees have strong nails that can become uncomfortable if left untrimmed. Regularly trim their nails using a dog nail clipper or grinder, taking care to avoid cutting into the quick.

This highly rated nail grinder on Amazon makes nail trims a breeze. 

7. Dental Care

Good oral hygiene is essential to a Great Pyrenees’ overall health. Brush their teeth several times a week using dog-friendly toothpaste and toothbrush to prevent tartar build-up and gum disease.

For dogs who hate brushing, another good option are these tasty dental chews, available on Amazon. 

Now that we’ve covered the tips, let’s tackle seven frequently asked questions first-time Great Pyrenees groomers might have:

1. Q: How often should I groom my Great Pyrenees?

A: Regular grooming is essential. Brush their coat at least twice a week, trim nails monthly, and bathe every two to three months.

2. Q: What kind of brush should I use for a Great Pyrenees?

A: A slicker brush and a rake are ideal for managing the thick double coat of a Great Pyrenees.

3. Q: How often should I bathe my Great Pyrenees?

A: The Great Pyrenees doesn’t need frequent baths. Every two to three months should be enough, unless they’ve gotten particularly dirty.

4. Q: Does my Great Pyrenees need a haircut?

A: Great Pyrenees typically don’t require haircuts. However, the fur between their toes and around their ears may need regular thinning.

5. Q: How often should I trim my Great Pyrenees’ nails?

A: Trim your Great Pyrenees’ nails regularly, typically every 3-4 weeks.

6. Q: How can I maintain my Great Pyrenees’ dental health?

A: Regular teeth brushing is essential. Aim to brush your Great Pyrenees’ teeth several times a week using dog-friendly toothpaste.

7. Q: What should I look for during a skin check?

A: Look for any signs of redness, inflammation, parasites, or abnormalities during a skin check.

Grooming a Great Pyrenees requires consistent effort due to their thick double coat, but these seven vital tips will help you maintain their majestic look. Happy grooming!

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