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Their ‘Favorite’ Person Returns After 14-Months, And They Came Running

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| October 13, 2023

Who says elephants don’t have feelings?

Elephants are very emotional animals like dogs and have their own personalities and preferences. Darrick has been away from the Kham Lha herd at Elephant Nature Park for 14 months while staying in Cambodia for the Elephant Kavann Project. Upon his return, he calls out for the elephants, who come running to their favorite person! Before long, he’s surrounded!


Image/Story Source Credit: elephantnews via YouTube Video


Upon his return, he calls out for the elephants, who come running to their favorite person! Before long, he’s surrounded!

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