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She Tucked Herself Behind A Dumpster Thinking It Was Safe But Trouble Lurked

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| January 17, 2025

There’s nothing we want more than to eliminate the stray dog population. Their hardships are heartbreaking. They must find food, water, and a safe place to sleep, only worsening their challenges. That is why there are good people out there who make it their mission to help as many animals as possible. One such organization, Hope For Paws, is known for its tireless efforts in rescuing and rehoming dogs in need. This story has a tragic beginning, but we can promise you it all works out in the end.


A frightened Pit Bull roamed the streets, her body marked with scars that told a story of hardship and pain. She lived in fear, trembling at the sight of anyone who came too close. Hope For Paws received a call about her plight and quickly mobilized to help. The team was determined to give this dog the care and compassion she so desperately needed.


One of the rescuers approached cautiously, carrying food to build trust without scaring the nervous pup. Slowly, she moved closer, her heart breaking as she saw the dog retreat into a corner. Despite her fear, the dog cautiously accepted the food from the rescuer’s hand. It was a small but significant moment of connection, giving the rescuer hope that they could help her.

However, when they placed a leash around her, the dog froze, unwilling to move from her spot behind a dumpster, a place she had deemed her safe haven. But the rescuers knew this wasn’t a safe place for her, especially with a loud garbage truck approaching to empty its contents. With patience and gentle encouragement, they managed to guide her away from the danger.

As the Pit Bull began to understand that the people around her meant no harm, she offered a gesture of gratitude that melted their hearts—she kissed them. That moment of affection inspired her new name: Kisses. It marked the beginning of a remarkable transformation for the once-terrified dog.


With every passing moment, Kisses grew more comfortable with her rescuers. She began to trust them, her fear replaced by hope and love. The dedicated team ensured that Kisses received the care and attention she needed to heal, both physically and emotionally.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

Kisses’ journey from a scared street dog to a loving companion is nothing short of extraordinary. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Hope For Paws and everyone involved, Kisses now has a second chance at a happy life.

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