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Puppy In Decorated Box With Bowl Of Milk She Can’t Drink

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 13, 2024

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than finding an abandoned animal, especially when they are too young to survive on their own. Older dogs can at least move around and look for food, water, and shelter, but a newborn puppy, like the one in this story, has no chance without human intervention. A group of women stumbled upon a beautifully decorated box lying on the ground, and they were shocked by what they found inside. A tiny puppy, only a few days old, was nestled in the box.


Whoever abandoned her had left a bowl of milk beside her, but being so young, she couldn’t drink it on her own and needed to be fed by her mother instead. One of the women decided to take the little puppy home.

The puppy needed around-the-clock care and bottle-feeding every few hours. Her eyes were cloudy, she had diarrhea, and she cried out constantly, missing her mother. The compassionate woman wrapped the puppy up to keep her warm and called a vet, who advised her over the phone to give the puppy medicine to help with her digestive issues.


The woman’s other dog, Stefania, lovingly watched over the puppy, now named Indigo. Despite the circumstances, Indigo seemed to be stable. She slept soundly, cozy in a blanket beside her new furry guardian. Stefania never left her side.

Dog Was Severely Neglected and Locked in a Crate
Dog Was Severely Neglected and Locked in a Crate

The poor pup died locked inside a waste-filled crate. Three other dogs were in the home, also locked up in crates, and just barely surviving. Sign the petition to demand justice for these dogs!

The woman scheduled an appointment at an animal clinic, which was several hours away. Once the puppy and her caregiver arrived at the clinic, the veterinarian explained that Indigo’s eyes were in poor condition, but surgery wasn’t an option. Medication was the best course of action, and only time would tell if her vision would improve.

Six months later, Indigo’s health made a total turnaround and she was happy to be in a loving home. Her journey is truly inspiring. What’s even more amazing is seeing her transformation! She’s unrecognizable! To see Indigo’s rescue and journey to recovery, click on the video below.

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