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Dog Waits On ‘Miracle Worker’ To Make Christmas Wish Come True

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| December 20, 2024

As the holidays approach, we are reminded of our blessings. We are fortunate to have a roof over our heads, food on our tables, and a warm place to sleep. And, of course, we are blessed to have our family and friends, human and animal alike. Even when facing hardships, we can relish in this beautiful life we created. Sadly, not everyone is surrounded by love and care. But that doesn’t mean ‘good cheer’ isn’t waiting around the corner…We just have to believe!


In the video below, we meet a pup who has been banished to his dog house on Christmas Eve. He lays on the snow in a beautifully decorated dog house. His ‘family’ spent all this time making it look like he was loved by stringing lights and tinsel all around the red structure as if appearances matter more than reality. But this family who paid so much attention to his dog house doesn’t give him the time of day.


While lying in the snow, the sad pup looks like he’s waiting for something. Quickly, it becomes apparent: He is waiting for a Christmas miracle! Despite being cold and forgotten, he uses all the love in his heart to believe there is something better out there. A family who will love him as he deserves! Then, the dog feels a presence around him. Who could it be?

It’s Santa! The glorious man walks up to the dog and it’s instant. The dog knows his life is about to change forever! They face one another while Santa takes in what this poor pup has been through. He can sense he hasn’t been appreciated his whole life despite being loyal, loving, and kind.


The dog gets up on his hind legs as if he’s begging Santa for help…Or maybe he’s telling Santa what his wish is for Christmas. Of course, Santa takes this very seriously. Without a word exchanged, the dog leads Santa over to a barn that has a tub inside. Santa gives the dog a warm bath to wash the cold away. What follows is simply beautiful!


Once the dog is bathed and dry, Santa places a new collar around his neck with a gleaming gold name tag that says: ‘Buddy.’ With a new name and a friend by his side, the dog is transported to a special place, away from the owners who took him for granted.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

To see where Santa takes Buddy next and how his whole wish is fulfilled, click ‘play’ below. We are so happy Buddy’s Christmas wish came true.

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