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Mama Dog Hiding From The Rain Begs Man Not To Hurt Her Puppy

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 15, 2024

In the midst of a relentless downpour, a devoted mother dog and her tiny pup took refuge under a car after being heartlessly left behind. They had nowhere else to go but to hope for a compassionate soul to find them. That compassionate soul turned out to be Hiridas, a seasoned rescuer from The Pets Masters, who discovered them while he was heading to his car. Underneath the vehicle, the mother dog and her teeny puppy were drenched and shivering from the cold rain. It was clear they had been abandoned during the storm, with no choice but to seek shelter nearby. The mother dog, protective yet terrified, hesitated as Hiridas approached, fearful of any threat to her puppy.


Hiridas got on his hands and knees and reached for both dogs. The mama protectively stood over her baby. Hiridas reached his hand out, and the puppy sniffed him. The compassionate man then used an umbrella to usher the baby out from beneath the car, knowing her loving mother would follow, and it worked. The mama dog couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from her baby.


Hiridas brought both dogs to his car and wrapped them in a blanket to provide warmth and comfort. Moved by their plight, Hiridas decided to bring Rainy, the mother dog, and Rainbow, her puppy, into his own home. He was determined to nurse them back to health himself if necessary. In the safety of a nurturing environment, Rainy and Rainbow were taken to a vet, where it was found that Rainbow was not yet strong enough for vaccinations and needed a little more care.

Dog Was Severely Neglected and Locked in a Crate
Dog Was Severely Neglected and Locked in a Crate

The poor pup died locked inside a waste-filled crate. Three other dogs were in the home, also locked up in crates, and just barely surviving. Sign the petition to demand justice for these dogs!

Over the following days, with proper medication and a nutritious diet, both dogs began to regain their health. Rainy expressed her gratitude by showering Hiridas with affectionate licks, while Rainbow grew into a lively and entertaining pup, always by her mother’s side.


Initially, Hiridas had hoped to find a loving family to adopt the pair, but as months passed without potential adopters, he chose to permanently adopt Rainy and Rainbow himself. Now, living happily alongside their rescuer, they have transformed into the most grateful dogs, forever thankful for the new life Hiridas gave them. To see the full rescue, click on the video below.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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