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Auto immune

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    • #145179

      My 7 1/2 year old Husky was havung trouble getting up, walking and seemed worn out sleeping most of the day. X-rays came back fine except there was a lot of fluid in her joints…did blood work and found she tested super high on her auto immune panel…treating her aggressively with steroids..does anyone have a husky with this issue that could give me any tips or insight??

    • #145730

      Please watch your steroid use. My dog was put on prednisone at about a year because of an autoimmune disorder. She is now diabetic, low thyroid and has Cushing’s Disease. The vet described it as a immune meltdown. There are other options other than prednisone. Please look into cyclosporin, which is a non-steroidal immunosuppresant. It will probably help your baby. DO NOT take the steroids long term. Please PM me if you have any more questions. My husky is now on insulin twice a day, as well as thyroid tablets and is losing her hair big time.
      Sandy Mackintosh’s photo.

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