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Black crust scab around eyes

  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #154722

      My 6 year old husky has a black crusty scab above one of her eyes….kind of looks like an eyebrow. The other eye has it too, but a little closer to her eye. She has had this for about 2 weeks. It doesn’t seem to bother her. I seldom see her scratching it with herpaws. I take her to the vet yearly for a check up and shots. She just went in May. It is a real ordeal to take her to the vet. She is really bad at the vets. She fear bites, has to be muzzled (not an easy thing to do). Last visit, they had to throw a blanket over her head so she wouldn’t bite. So you see, going to the vet is not what I want to do if I don’t have to.

    • #155693

      Do you take your dog out hiking or walking anywhere that it is possible for her to pick up ticks or is she on flea and tick preventative. Ticks will burrow and if they die they could possibly look like a scab. Could she have scratched herself in or on a bush? Sorry haven’t got anything else.

      • #1830909

        My 9 year old husky has the same problem. What was it? What worked? $700 vet visit and antibiotics given but it’s just getting worse.

    • #155867

      Sounds like zinc deficiency…Arctic breeds tend to suffer more than others…

    • #227008
      Sharon Stowe

      Mine had this also but she had it around her mouth and on her nose also.sttarted to feed her more raw meat in her diet which contains more zinc even oily fish and some veg and it slowly cleared up x

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