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Digestion problems extremely liquid diarriah and farts!

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    • #803892

      My corso is 13 weeks old I got him at 8. Ever since he has had extremely runny poops! The only time he didn’t was when we had him on the rest of the food that the breeder gave us. It was called natures valley prairie. Well I couldn’t find that food anywhere so I had to stitch him. The closest thing I could get was the natures valley instinct. So because I could do a slow transition for a mix in I had to do chicken and rice and mix in the food slowly over time. Well he still has had runny poop’s when I mix in the food! But a straight chicken and rice diet he has solid poops! I even got him a probiotic and still nothing! Just straight liquid diarrhea. It like squirts out of his butt! So I need to find a good food that I can feed him with all of the nutrients that he needs. I doubt it’s a sensitive stomach problem as all dogs are different and really it’s just the food you feed them in the end! They don’t need extra vitamins or special food for sensitive tummys I have learned it’s just finding the right food for them! Someone help! I attached pictures of the foods I was talking about. I want him to grow up big and strong! Also every pet store I went to doesn’t have the prairie one the breeder sent… I’ve only found it online. I mean idk if I should switch back and just suck it up and have to order online?

    • #818744

      Hi my name is Loukia and I have two Corsos right now. I have worked with several though in rehabilitation and I had a couple with intestinal issues.
      First and foremost check with vet to see if your pup has parasites and in particular GIARDIA. Not a big deal but it can be persistent and a lot of pups get it literally from the mom or water at the breeder’s. The stress of changing homes may bring it out even if it was not visible when the breeder did tests.
      If no parasites ( and even if the pup has parasites and goes on treatment) the best thing to calm messed up intestines is to use sushi rice (or sticky rice) where you boil 1 cup of rice with 9 cups of water over slow fire for quite a while until you see that the rice has become glutinous and sticky – this slurry is bliss for painful intestines!!
      You can give him the rice and also ground beef (not very fatty as fat is heavy on digestive tract). You can boil the ground beef in just plain water and then mix the boiled meat with the rice. I have used this successfully with dogs of all ages when they had problems.

      Once pup stabilizes, I would suggest as kibble ORIJEN Six Fish (all fish protein and no yeast or salt) or ACANA Wild Atlantic – both made by Champion Foods of Canada. You can buy them at Choice Pet in Connecticut and at Amazon or Chewy.

    • #1347322

      I realize your post is almost a year ago, but thought someone may still benefit from this. My dog had loose poops for years. Fed high quality food, etc. Had always been told chicken & rice for diarrhea, but did not work. Canned pumpkin however did, and is good for both constipation and diarrhea. But, when that didn’t work, and it was a real concern, I found a product by Honest Kitchen called “Simple Form”. Worked amazingly! Always keep it on hand. Referred it to friends and it has been a saving grace. Of course this is assuming there is not a problem going on for which the dog needs to see the vet. Sometimes a dog needs an uncommon protein source as there may be allergies to the most common ones. Be sure it is a single protein source food. Took me a long time to figure out that although I fed Grain Free kibble, I used canned to hide pills and as a topper with rice in it. Taking away any product with rice firmed up his poops!

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