I have a Taco terrier who is about a year old.We found her stranded in the middle of nowhere. Since she had no chip and no one called to claim her after a month, we decided to keep her. I was wondering if its ok to mix her dry food with canned food because she doesn’t want to eat?
Hi Jashima7, Taco is precious! You can definitely mix a little soft food with the hard food, you can also try plain boiled chicken breast. Hope it works for you Good Luck with your new baby!
Yep definitely! I also think if you boil the chicken add the stock to her dry food or a little hot water. I also use eggs to mix with the dry food, pop it in the microwave and you have a dry kibble scrambled eggs 🙂
I agree she should be taken to vet first to know her condition because she was abandoned.
For your question it depends upon the checkup, she may be having some problems in her stomach.
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