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Seeking advice: Possible insect bite on Husky’s lip.

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    • #4252846
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      Terry Manning

      Has anyone of this wonderful group got any advice on what this is on my Husky Pablo. It looks like to me that it might be an insect bite on his bottom lip. It is not bothering him and only noticed about half an hour ago.

    • #4252850
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      Ashley R.

      It looks like a beauty mark so to speak. Our female husky has one. You can have your vet look at it just to double check 

    • #4252851
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      Terrylynn L.

      Canine acne is an inflammatory disorder of the lips and the skin of the muzzle. Dogs with mild cases of acne often have red bumps or pustules (pimples) on their skin. This can, in more severe cases, lead to generalized swelling of the lips and muzzle, bleeding wounds, or scabs on the face. I not saying this is what it is, but it could be. You should probably research it as if you can’t find anything then I would suggest taking your dog to a vet.

    • #4252852
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      Missy C.

      My girl had one and we had it tested and removed it was just a growth thank god.

    • #4252864
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      Lori R.

      Also ask your vet about chronic ulcerative periodontal stomatitis. My husky had a few places like this and also inside his mouth. C.U.P.S. is what he was diagnosed with. He has meds he has to take every day for this as it is an auto immune disorder.

    • #4252865
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      Clif H.

      A cyst or growth. My husky had one is same spot. Was removed no issues since. Have your vet look at it, not the internet. They will know best practice.

    • #4252866
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      Jeanette S.

      It could be a bug bite or a papaloma. (A virus) They look horrible and painful but if that’s what it is it will go away on its own. If it gets bigger or changes dramatically take him to the vet.

    • #4252899
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      Leigh J.

      Three of my dogs have had them at various times over 40 years, get it checked but 99% of the time it’s just a type of benign cyst that goes away in time.

    • #4252900
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      Robert K.

      Highly isolated, looks like just a cyst.

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