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Stop dogs play biting each other??

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    • #1920043

      I have two boxers, one is just 4 months old and the other two. They play bite a lot. The older one play bites nice but our puppy play bites so meanly. She grabs his chest skin or his face and bites and pulls. He has so many scratches now that I’m trying to keep up with healing. We try not to let them but can’t have our eyes on them while playing at every moment. Sadly he doesn’t yelp and tell her to stop, so she keeps biting him and it needs to stop because he has so many cuts. Tips please?!?

    • #1978329

      Guys at Actijoy made a nice article about dog biting and mouthing, although it was less focused on inter-dog relationships.
      I will try to rephrase it here.
      Provide redirection (worked great for us) – Get him a proper biting toy, avoid playing games that support the biting behavior, reward if their play is less brutal.

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