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Why does my Shih tzus eye teer so much?

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    • #952032

      I have tried using a glass bowl with purified water, Angel eye for months, what else can I do?

    • #1213115

      I am not a vet but a Shih Tzu owner. I have vets in my family. Do not waste your time with Angel Eyes. The chemical that they “were” putting in their product to stop the tear staining the company was made to remove from their product. It was not healthy for dogs. That is why it no longer works. My Shih Tzu has this tearing problem. Their nose is very short so the mucus will come out their tear ducts. Just like a child’s can if experiencing sinus infection. The bottled water does not help either and they need the fluoride for their teeth. Shih Tzu tend to have bad teeth if not taken care of properly. Also Shih Tzu’s tend to have environmental allergies and dry eyes.
      The best things I have found for the tear staining is using eye wipes from your vet..PhytoVet CK Wipes containing Chlorhexidine, or the Walgreens Antiseptic Skin Cleaner that contains Chlorhexidine Gluconate 4% with a Q-tip or cotton ball. These both kill the bacteria that is secreted out of the tear ducts creating the eye stain. Be careful to avoid the actual eye though. if you need to do this daily, because this breed has dry eyes, I will use a sterile Artificial Tears Ointment (put in lower lid, do not touch eye) that my vet’s office uses and tells me to use before bathing this breed. This ointment contains Mineral oil and white petrolatum. Mine is made by “RUGBY” but I am sure you can find it at the drugstore. You can also use the Antiseptic skin cleanser on the tummy area that is clipped close where it can become red and irritated to kill the bacteria.They tend to lick this area when it become irritated and it will tend to turn an orange-brown. I keep my Shih Tzu face clipped short to keep the hair away from his eyes to help keep them from becoming irritated. If you have other questions I am happy to try to help you if I know. I am on FB and my last name is Richardson. I hope you find this helpful. I found it very frustrating and expensive when I got my 1st Shih Tzu and was frustrated with the different issues my dog was having. It helps having someone who understands pharmaceutical chemicals in the family too!!!

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