Best Dog Breeds for a Person in Their 60s

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are an excellent choice for those in their 60s, offering a lovable and low-maintenance companion. Their small size and moderate energy levels make them perfect for apartment living or homes without large yards.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are renowned for their gentle demeanor and affectionate nature, making them ideal pets for individuals seeking a loving and loyal companion. Their adaptability to various living situations and moderate exercise requirements align well with the lifestyle of someone in their 60s.


Poodles, available in standard, miniature, and toy sizes, offer versatility to suit different preferences and lifestyles. Known for their intelligence and hypoallergenic coats, Poodles are a great choice for those with allergies or who prefer a clean home environment.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are affectionate and calm, making them excellent companions for individuals in their 60s looking for a low-energy but loving pet. Their small size makes them easy to manage, and they are content with short daily walks and lots of cuddle time.


Greyhounds are often misunderstood as high-energy dogs due to their racing background, but they are quite laid-back and enjoy lounging around the house. Their gentle and quiet nature makes them perfect companions for a peaceful home.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are cheerful, and playful, and thrive on human interaction, making them wonderful companions for those in their 60s. Their small size and moderate energy levels make them suitable for various living situations. Bichons are known for their hypoallergenic coats, which is a plus for allergy sufferers.


Maltese dogs are known for their gentle and affectionate nature, making them excellent companions for individuals in their 60s looking for a loving pet. Their small size and minimal exercise requirements make them perfect for indoor living and companionship.

Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terriers, or Scotties, offer a great blend of independence and companionship. They are small but sturdy dogs with a distinctive personality, enjoying both playtime and relaxation. Their moderate exercise needs can encourage daily walks, providing gentle physical activity.

West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terriers, or Westies, are small, lively, and possess a cheerful disposition. They are active enough to encourage regular exercise but are also content with enjoying a peaceful day at home. Westies have a strong personality and can bring a lot of joy and entertainment into the household.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are adaptable, friendly, and patient, making them suitable for individuals in their 60s who enjoy an active lifestyle or have a family with visiting grandchildren. Labs are known for their loyalty and gentle nature, providing companionship and emotional support.