Dog Breeds Most Likely To Prefer Human Company Over Other Dogs

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were historically bred as lap dogs for British royalty, and this heritage has imbued them with a deep-seated preference for human companionship.


Greyhounds, despite being known for their racing prowess, are surprisingly affectionate and gentle with humans. They tend to form strong bonds with their owners and often show a preference for human company.

Shih Tzu

Originally bred to be a companion dog in Chinese imperial courts, the Shih Tzu is another breed that demonstrates a strong preference for human company. These dogs are known for their affectionate and friendly nature.


The Maltese is a breed that has been a companion dog for centuries, and this history is reflected in their strong attachment to humans. These dogs are known for their affectionate nature and their tendency to form strong bonds with their owners.

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are known for their affectionate and sociable nature, often forming strong attachments to their human families. They thrive on human interaction and can become quite attached to their owners.


Pugs are a breed that thrives on human companionship. They are known for their playful and affectionate nature and often form strong bonds with their human family members. Pugs typically enjoy being the center of attention and may show a preference for spending time with humans over playing with other dogs.


Chihuahuas are known for their loyalty and strong attachment to their owners. They often prefer the company of humans and can be quite protective of their human family members.

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a cheerful and affectionate breed, known for its love of human companionship. These dogs are often very sociable with humans and can form strong attachments to their family members.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound, a smaller cousin of the Greyhound, is also known for its affectionate nature and preference for human company. These dogs form strong bonds with their owners and often prefer the comfort and companionship of humans to the company of other dogs.


Dachshunds are known for their bold and lively nature, but they also have a strong preference for human companionship. These dogs often form deep bonds with their owners and are known for their loyalty and affection.