Dog Breeds Most Likely to Snuggle Under the Covers


Chihuahuas, with their small stature and minimal body fat, are often found seeking warmth under the covers. Originally from Mexico, where they were bred in a warmer climate, they tend to get cold easily in cooler environments.


Dachshunds, also known as “sausage dogs,” are another breed that loves to burrow under covers. This behavior can be attributed to their historical role as badger hunters, where they were required to tunnel underground.

Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds, with their slender build and short coat, are particularly sensitive to cold temperatures. This breed, known for its elegance and grace, often seeks the comfort of warm, soft places like under bed covers.


Greyhounds, similar to their smaller Italian counterparts, are also known for their love of snuggling under covers. Their lean bodies and thin coats make them susceptible to cold, and they often seek out warmth and comfort in cozy places.


Boxers might be surprising members of this list, given their medium to large size, but they are indeed fond of snuggling under the covers. Despite their muscular build, Boxers have a short coat and can get chilly easily.


Pugs are well-known for their love of comfort and warmth. Their short coat does not provide much protection against the cold, prompting them to seek out warm spots. Pugs are also social and affectionate dogs that enjoy being close to their owners.

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs, with their compact size and short coat, are another breed that often seeks warmth under the covers. They are not particularly suited to cold weather and enjoy finding cozy spots to curl up in. Frenchies are also known for their affectionate and laid-back nature, making them perfect snuggle companions in bed.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for their affectionate and gentle nature, and they love to be close to their human companions. Their moderate coat offers some insulation, but they still enjoy the extra warmth and comfort provided by snuggling under the covers.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus, originally bred as companion dogs in China, are also lovers of comfort and warmth. Despite their longer coat, they enjoy the coziness of being under the covers. They are affectionate and enjoy being pampered, and snuggling in bed with their owners is one of their preferred ways to relax and bond.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises, with their fluffy coats and playful demeanor, are also inclined to snuggle under the covers. They were bred as companion dogs and enjoy being close to their owners. Bichons are known for their affectionate nature and love of comfort.