Dogs never cease to amaze us with their innate compassion, especially when they step up to care for other animals. One touching story involves a Labrador Retriever named Bosko, whose kindness helped save the life of a baby calf in dire straits. This heartwarming tale was shared by Imgur user Oakenboken, who explained how Bosko discovered the calf in their feedlot. The poor animal was barely alive, suffering from severe hypothermia.

“His mother was too weak to care for him, and the cold and wet had nearly taken him,” the poster wrote. “His nose was frozen stiff…but he was breathing… if barely.”
Realizing the calf needed immediate help, Oakenboken’s mother and grandmother brought him inside, wrapping him in blankets and using heating pads to warm him. They also administered antibiotics to combat any infections. Throughout the ordeal, Bosko refused to leave the calf’s side, standing vigilantly by his new friend as the family worked to save him.

After four tense hours, the calf began to stir, and his breathing grew steadier—a sign of hope for everyone involved. When Bosko finally took a break to rest, the family’s other dog, Duke, stepped in to take over, ensuring the calf was never left alone during the critical hours of recovery.
By the third day, the calf was standing and eating without any issues. With time and care, including weeks of bottle feeding, he regained his strength and was healthy enough to rejoin the other cows. The family named him Zeke, and despite being slightly smaller than average due to his early struggles, he became a happy and friendly member of the herd.

Zeke’s story gained attention online, and Oakenboken reassured everyone that Zeke wouldn’t be sent to slaughter. “He’s become a mascot of sorts,” they explained, adding that Zeke even acts as a sidekick to one of their bulls.
Interestingly, Bosko himself knows what it’s like to be rescued. A few years ago, Bosko and his brother Duke showed up near the family’s gate in poor condition—starved, covered in worms, and with chewed-up ropes around their necks. The family nursed them back to health, and today, the two dogs are cherished members of their home.
Bosko’s selflessness in caring for Zeke is a beautiful example of paying it forward, and this incredible story reminds us of the boundless love and empathy animals can share. Thanks to this loving family and their heroic dogs, Zeke was given a second chance at life.
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