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3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Boxer

| Published on September 16, 2016

Boxers are an intelligent breed with lots of energy. This makes them a fun dog breed to train because they enjoy the job and interaction with their owners. What you train your Boxer to do is up to you and your lifestyle. For example, you may not care if your Boxer lounges on the furniture, or you may have a strict “no couch” policy. Mostly, training is a personal choice. However, there are a few basic behaviors every Boxer should know for safety reasons.

#1 – Come

A solid recall is one of the most important cues to teach your Boxer. With their high energy and love to get into everything, it’s important to know that if they wander, you can get them to come back. Almost daily I hear stories of a how a recall saved a dog’s life from potential danger. It can keep your Boxer from getting lost, hit by a car if he bolts out the door, or even prevent a dog fight should he be running toward an unfriendly dog.

#2 – Leave It

You may be thinking, I don’t care if my Boxer steals my food, eats off the floor or chews up all my shoes. Even so, Leave It is a good cue for safety reasons. If your Boxer is headed toward something dangerous, a Leave It can save her life. And not just food, a solid Leave It should get her to turn back from a poisonous animal, dangerous ledge, or a busy freeway. It will also help them learn self-control (including not grabbing toys out of your hand!), which all Boxers need.

#3 – Stay

If your Boxer is going to be off leash, a stay is a must. Again, their high energy and desire to check out everything and everyone makes them a prime candidate for wandering away. “Stay” can save your Boxer from running into the street, getting lost, etc. It can be very useful in emergency situations where you may have had to leave in a hurry without a leash. Will your dog stay? Even around the house, a stay can be helpful at doors so he doesn’t bolt out, or if you are coming in with your hands full and don’t want to get tripped up by your Boxer as he tries to greet you. Putting him in a stay as you walk by can save you from injury.

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