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Guy & Wife Adore Stray That ‘Adopted’ Their Truck Only To Lose Him Later

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on November 17, 2023

Emily and Garrett never expected their lives to change when they walked to their vehicle after yoga class. As they opened the gate to their truck, they noticed a furry tail swoosh around. Unsure of what to do, they approached the unexpected guest, who seemed to be as curious about them as they were about him.


As the couple tried to figure out if the dog was male or female or where he had come from, they realized that the dog was incredibly chill and seemed to be content just hanging out with them. This left Emily and Garrett wondering if they had just unintentionally adopted a dog.

The dog took some time to warm up to the couple but he surely loved their truck! It took almost two hours for him to come out of the truck when they arrived home, but once he did, he immediately passed out and slept through the night and the following day. The next day, Emily and Garrett took him to the vet and began searching for his owners. However, Emily secretly hoped he had no owners because she had quickly fallen in love with him.


When they discovered the dog didn’t belong to anyone, Emily was overjoyed, exclaiming, “We just got a dog!!!” Although Garrett wasn’t initially looking for a dog, he couldn’t help but be charmed by their new furry friend. Unfortunately, just three weeks after finding their new dog, he caught the scent of a small animal and ran off into the woods. The couple searched tirelessly for him, with Emily visiting every animal shelter in Houston, mug shot in hand and tears in her eyes. She was devastated, feeling as though her dog, whom she had named Buddy, was meant to be with her.

Then, a call came in from the Montgomery County Animal Shelter. They believed they had found Buddy. Overjoyed, Emily rushed to the shelter and was reunited with the pup who was obviously meant to be hers. This emotional reunion solidified their bond even more.


Buddy is an integral part of Emily and Garrett’s lives, wanting to be involved in everything they do. To ensure that he never goes missing again, they have his name printed on a tag along with their cell phone number. Buddy also wears a GPS tracker! Together, they are a happy family, cherishing every moment with their sweet, lovable Buddy.

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