Did you know that in some states, it’s illegal to feed the stray and abandoned dogs that plight the city? They consider them “nuisances” and they fall under the same laws as feeding wildlife. So, instead of taking responsibility for something human beings have created (stray dog problems) they are turning their backs on them. Fortunately, there are groups out there that don’t care what the law says, and is taking care of these homeless dogs as best they can. In honor of International and National Homeless Animals Day on August 15, we asked World Animals Awareness Society (WA2S), who is at ground zero working with these rescues and filming the dirty secrets of Americans Stray Dog Population in some of our biggest cities, ways YOU can help feed homeless dogs.
Here are their suggestions On Helping Feed Homeless Dogs:
- Try and get involved with a rescue group that is already feeding the homeless animals as that would give you access to free food.
- If you are feeding independently, have contacts with rescue groups who could help you rescue a homeless animal should it be in need of immediate medical treatment.

If you have to go it alone, WA2S has the following procedure to start feeding rescue dogs:
- Become aware of where you see dogs congregate in a location you want to focus on.
- Be familiar with the area that you are feeding in. (Be careful and don’t feed at night or alone)
- If they are near high traffic areas begin to leave food away from the flow of traffic.
- Try to be consistent with the time of day that you feed. This helps them learn to be nearby at that time so they don’t miss an opportunity to eat.
- If there are more than one dog, make more than one bowl or pile of food. You don’t know whether any of the dogs could be food aggressive or just so hungry that he/she doesn’t want to share.
- Please don’t just feed. Bring fresh water.
- Try to feed where the dogs can be safe from car traffic or human traffic. You never know the intention of the casual passer-by.
- Do not over feed an emaciated dog. If you can’t bring the dog to safety, only feed small portions and let him gradually gain his normal weigh back.
- Don’t be surprised if a dog turns his nose to the kibble you try to feed him. Often they are eating human food from the trash or are eating someone’s scaps.
- If there is a dog that you cannot get close enough to feed you can fill a plastic bag or brown lunch paper sack with dog food and seal. Then toss the filled sack in his direction. he dog will be able to tear open the sack to eat.
- If ants are a concern place the food bowl inside a shallow dish of water. This should prevent the ants from getting into the food bowl.

And, if you aren’t physically able to help feed homeless dogs, but would like a way to help, here are our suggestions for ways you can get involved.
1 – Donate!
Even if you can’t help feed physically, they always welcome donations of food and bowls.

2 – Shop!
Did you know anything you buy from the iHeartDogs store funds bowls of food for dogs in shelters? You can help simply by buying a gift for someone or a treat for yourself!
3 – Advocate!
Do you live in a city where feeding the stray dogs is illegal? Push to have the city see that the community needs to take responsibility for a human-created problem and cannot ignore the dogs any longer.