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Is Your Dog’s Nose Dry & Crusty? It Might Be Nasal Hyperkeratosis. Here’s How To Help.

Dog hyperkeratosis

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Most dogs can experience a mild dry nose, but nasal hyperkeratosis is a more intense form of nasal dryness experienced by some dogs. Nasal hyperkeratosis (also known as Nasodigitalis) is an idiopathic condition, meaning that its origin or cause is unknown. Nasal hyperkeratosis is the excessive formulation of nose crust called keratin, which is a type of … Read more

How To Heal Your Dog’s Dry Nose Naturally

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Have you noticed that your dog’s nose has been drier than usual lately? A crusty, flaky nose on your dog is not just an eyesore – it can actually be quite sore and uncomfortable for your dog. Dry, cracked skin isn’t just painful. A wet nose is actually required for your dog to smell properly. Since dogs … Read more

How To Safely And Naturally Remedy Hyperkeratosis

Canine paw pad hyperkeratosis isn’t life threatening and it’s not always easy to identify, but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored. Hyperkeratosis is a condition where the skin on a dog’s nose or paw pads becomes especially thick and hard. It can cause painful callouses, and foot pad hyperkeratosis is often called “hairy dog feet” because of the way the skin cracks and separates. It can lead to infections, lameness, and general discomfort, and while there is no cure, … Read more

How To Help Your Senior Dog Find Relief From A Dry Nose

Your dog’s slobbery kisses aren’t the same without that cold, wet nose pressing up against your face. And if your senior dog’s nose is dry or cracked, you have more than the quality of their kisses to be concerned about. As one of a dog’s most important features, the health of their nose is always important. A dry nose is irritating and in the worst cases, it’s even painful. It’s sometimes a symptom of serious illness, but most of the … Read more

Dry Nose Is A Common Issue With Many Boston Terriers, Here’s How You Can Make Life Easier On Them

You have likely heard that a wet nose equals a healthy dog. In reality, the canine nose alternates between wet and dry in response to a variety of factors. Problems arise when the nose becomes so dry that it cracks or flakes. Overly dry noses are uncomfortable and can affect the way your dog experiences the world. Scent is arguably a dog’s most important sense. It’s how they first recognize the ones they love and explore the environment around them. … Read more

Dry Nose Is A Common Issue With Many Boxers, Here’s How You Can Make Life Easier On Them

You have likely heard that a wet nose equals a healthy dog. In reality, the canine nose alternates between wet and dry in response to a variety of factors. Problems arise when the nose becomes so dry that it cracks or flakes. Overly dry noses are uncomfortable and can affect the way your dog experiences the world. Scent is arguably a dog’s most important sense. It’s how they first recognize the ones they love and explore the environment around them. … Read more

Dry Nose Is A Common Issue With Many Pugs, Here’s How You Can Make Life Easier On Them

You have likely heard that a wet nose equals a healthy dog. In reality, the canine nose alternates between wet and dry in response to a variety of factors. Problems arise when the nose becomes so dry that it cracks or flakes. Overly dry noses are uncomfortable and can affect the way your dog experiences the world. Scent is arguably a dog’s most important sense. It’s how they first recognize the ones they love and explore the environment around them. … Read more

How To Protect & Soothe Your Flat-Faced Dog’s Sensitive Nose

If you have a flat-faced dog, you probably know how dry their nose can get. They are far more susceptible to dry noses than dogs with snouts of a regular length. Their dry, cracked nose can peel, bleed, and be extremely painful for your poor pooch. A moist nose is also necessary for your dog to properly process all the fascinating smells around them. If you’ve already been to your vet to rule out any serious health issues that could … Read more

Dry Nose Is A Common Issue With Many Bulldogs, Here’s How You Can Make Life Easier On Them

You have likely heard that a wet nose equals a healthy dog. In reality, the canine nose alternates between wet and dry in response to a variety of factors. Problems arise when the nose becomes so dry that it cracks or flakes. Overly dry noses are uncomfortable and can affect the way your dog experiences the world. Scent is arguably a dog’s most important sense. It’s how they first recognize the ones they love and explore the environment around them. … Read more

6 Natural Ingredients To Soothe Your Pug’s Dry & Cracked Nose

Did you know the moist, spongy skin of a pug’s nose captures scents “tens of thousands of times” more efficiently than our own? It’s the tool dogs use to investigate and understand the world around them. Since pups effectively “see the world through their noses,” the skin is constantly exposed to sunlight, extreme temperatures, allergens and various substances that can cause dryness, chapping, and cracking. Without a moist, healthy nose, your dog cannot efficiently explore the neighborhood or recognize his favorite scent … Read more

6 Natural Ingredients To Soothe Your Boxer’s Dry & Cracked Nose

Did you know the moist, spongy skin of a boxer’s nose captures scents “tens of thousands of times” more efficiently than our own? It’s the tool dogs use to investigate and understand the world around them. Since pups effectively “see the world through their noses,” the skin is constantly exposed to sunlight, extreme temperatures, allergens and various substances that can cause dryness, chapping, and cracking. Without a moist, healthy nose, your dog cannot efficiently explore the neighborhood or recognize his favorite scent … Read more

6 Natural Ingredients To Soothe Your Frenchie’s Dry & Cracked Nose

xDid you know the moist, spongy skin of a frenchie’s nose captures scents “tens of thousands of times” more efficiently than our own? It’s the tool dogs use to investigate and understand the world around them. Since pups effectively “see the world through their noses,” the skin is constantly exposed to sunlight, extreme temperatures, allergens and various substances that can cause dryness, chapping, and cracking. Without a moist, healthy nose, your dog cannot efficiently explore the neighborhood or recognize his favorite scent … Read more

6 Natural Ingredients To Soothe Your Bulldog’s Dry & Cracked Nose

Did you know the moist, spongy skin of a bulldog’s nose captures scents “tens of thousands of times” more efficiently than our own? It’s the tool dogs use to investigate and understand the world around them. Since pups effectively “see the world through their noses,” the skin is constantly exposed to sunlight, extreme temperatures, allergens and various substances that can cause dryness, chapping, and cracking. Without a moist, healthy nose, your dog cannot efficiently explore the neighborhood or recognize his favorite scent … Read more

If Your Boxer’s Nose Is Dry & Crusty, It Might Be Nasal Hyperkaratosis. Here’s What To Do.

While nearly all dogs can experience mild dryness of the nose, boxers are far more prone to experience a condition referred to as nasal hyperkeratosis. In a nutshell, nasal hyperkeratosis is a more intense form of nasal dryness experienced by some breeds of dogs. Nasal Hyperkeratosis (also known as Nasodigitalis) an idiopathic condition, meaning that its origin or cause is unknown. It’s is marked by the excessive formulation of nose crust called keratin, which is a type of protein overgrowth. … Read more

If Your Pug’s Nose Is Dry & Crusty, It Might Be Nasal Hyperkeratosis. Here’s What To Do.

While nearly all dogs can experience mild dryness of the nose, pugs are far more prone to experience a conditation referred to as nasal hyperkeratosis. In a nutshell, nasal hyperkeratosis is a more intense form of nasal dryness experienced by some breeds of dogs. Nasal Hyperkeratosis (also known as Nasodigitalis) an idiopathic condition, meaning that its origin or cause is unknown. It’s is marked by the excessive formulation of nose crust called keratin, which is a type of protein overgrowth. … Read more

If Your Frenchie’s Nose Is Dry & Crusty, It Might Be Nasal Hyperkaratosis. Here’s What To Do.

While nearly all dogs can experience mild dryness of the nose, Frenchies are far more prone to experience a conditation referred to as nasal hyperkeratosis. In a nutshell, nasal hyperkeratosis is a more intense form of nasal dryness experienced by some breeds of dogs. Nasal Hyperkeratosis (also known as Nasodigitalis) an idiopathic condition, meaning that its origin or cause is unknown. It’s is marked by the excessive formulation of nose crust called keratin, which is a type of protein overgrowth. … Read more

If Your Bulldog’s Nose Is Dry & Crusty, It Might Be Nasal Hyperkeratosis. Here’s What To Do.

While nearly all dogs can experience mild dryness of the nose, bulldogs are far more prone to experience a conditation referred to as nasal hyperkeratosis. In a nutshell, nasal hyperkeratosis is a more intense form of nasal dryness experienced by some breeds of dogs. Nasal Hyperkeratosis (also known as Nasodigitalis) an idiopathic condition, meaning that its origin or cause is unknown. It’s is marked by the excessive formulation of nose crust called keratin, which is a type of protein overgrowth. … Read more

Why It’s Ultra Important to Keep Your Dog’s Nose Moisturized

Our dogs depend heavily on their noses, and it’s no surprise: with a sense of smell that’s far superior to ours, this small organ plays a huge role in how they “see” the world! Smell is arguably the most important sense for dogs who are trying to gather information about the world around them. As their guardians, it’s our job to make sure that their noses are always in tip-top condition! A cool, wet nose is usually considered the healthy “norm” … Read more

Treating Nasal Hyperkeratosis: How To Help Your Dog’s Dry Nose

While nearly all dogs can experience mild dryness of the nose, nasal hyperkeratosis is a more intense form of nasal dryness experienced by some dogs. Nasal Hyperkeratosis (also known as Nasodigitalis) an idiopathic condition, meaning that its origin or cause is unknown. Nasal hyperkeratosis is marked by the excessive formulation of nose crust called keratin, which is a type of protein overgrowth. This condition isn’t life-threatening and most veterinarians consider Nasal hyperkeratosis as merely a cosmetic issue. However, dry nose may … Read more