Meet Frida, a Labrador Retriever in the Mexican Navy’s (SEMAR) Canine Unit.

So far in her career, she has rescued 53 people, including 12 survivors from the recent earthquake in Oaxaca.
¡Frida al rescate!: la perrita que salva vidas. Es una leyenda en la @SEMAR_mx
— La Silla Rota (@lasillarota) September 14, 2017
“Frieda to the rescue! The dog that saves lives. She is a legend in SEMAR.”
She was recently recognized by the news show A Primera Hora…
#México Frida, labrador de la unidad canina de la Marina lleva 53 localizaciones, de las que 12 son personas vivas en #Juchitán, #Oaxaca
— A primera hora (@PueAPrimeraHora) September 12, 2017
“Frida, Labrador in the canine unit of the Navy, has 53 locations, of which 12 are people living in Oaxaca.”
…And the President of Mexico on Twitter.
Ella es #Frida, pertenece a la @SEMAR_mx y ha ayudado a salvar 52 vidas en distintos desastres naturales a nivel nacional e internacional.
— Presidencia México (@PresidenciaMX) September 13, 2017
“This is Frida, she belongs to SEMAR and has helped save 52 lives in different natural disasters nationally and internationally.”
She wears goggles to protect her eyes from smoke and debris.
Frida, una heroína de cuatro patas 🐾🌹 miembro de @SEMAR_mx .🇲🇽🇲🇽🐾🌹
Amemos y cuidemos a los animales como se merecen.
— Miss Fernanda (@Ferdapupa) September 14, 2017
“Frida, a four-legged heroine member of SEMAR. Love and care for animals as they deserve. Let us evolve.”
She also wears shoes to protect her feet.
#Frida es un elemento canino de la @SEMAR_mx que ayuda en las labores de rescate y búsqueda tras el #Sismo #FuerzaMéxico
— (@gobmx) September 13, 2017
“Frida is a canine element of SEMAR that helps in the rescue work and search after earthquakes.”
She’s much loved by the residents of Mexico.
Excelente 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 él mejor amigo del hombre!! 😃
— rafael serrano náñez (@rafsena) September 13, 2017
“Excellent. Man’s best friend!!”
Here’s hoping she continues to enjoy her career rescuing humans!
(H/T: Buzzfeed)