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Top 10 Dog Training Tips

| Published on December 28, 2015

Training your dog is one of the most important things you can do as a pet parent, but it can also be one of the most time consuming and expensive. The following ten dog training tips will help you get the most out of your dog’s training so both dog and owner are happy with the results.

In addition to the tips below, be sure to check out our 7 Best Online Dog Training Courses we recently reviewed.

#1 – Stay Positive

Just because your training is positive doesn’t mean we always are! But your dog can sense a change in mood and if you’re tired, bored or just not into training at that time, your dog will sense it and it can affect the way he works. Better to stop and come back to it when you are feeling better.

Image source: @StevenDepolo via Flickr
Image source: @StevenDepolo via Flickr

#2 – Short Sessions

It’s better to have a couple short sessions a day then one long one. Dogs lose interest/get bored with long, repetitive training sessions. (And so do we!)

Image source: @Airwaves1 via Flickr
Image source: @Airwaves1 via Flickr

#3 – Don’t Forget Play!

I always end or begin a training session with play. For some dogs, play before can get their energy out, allowing them to focus on you. For others, it helps get them excited to work. Play after can be a great reward for a job well done.

#4 – Incorporate Training Into Normal Life

Training doesn’t (and shouldn’t!) be a thing you only do in a set place at a certain time. After all, you want your dog to behave all the time, and not just when put that treat pouch on. So, incorporate training into your daily life by waiting for a sit for the food bowl or at the door. Ask for a come-touch a few times at the dog park and then release him back to play (this strengthens his come!). Sharing a table scrap? Ask your dog to sit or lie down first, or shake your hand – whatever! Did your dog come up and ask for attention? Have him sit beforehand.

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#5 – Use Mealtime For Training

Using your dog’s meals for training is a great wat to instill a work ethic in your dog – no free meals around here! It also helps you remember to train your dog.

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#6 –  Frustrated? STOP

If you feel yourself or your dog is frustrated – STOP. Reset by asking your dog to do something you know he knows, like a sit, “go to your mat,” whatever he can do. Then, reassess what you are trying to do and why it’s not working. Come up with a new plan and try again. Or quit and come back later when you’ve had time to ask a professional for help. It does no good to keep trying something that’s not working.

Image source: @behaviortrainingandcoaching via Flickr
Image source: @behaviortrainingandcoaching via Flickr

#7 – Train Consistently

Your dog can’t learn good manners if he only has to practice them once a week and the rest of the time he gets to run around like a wild child. Make sure he is learning and practicing every day.

Image source: @airwaves1 via Flickr
Image source: @airwaves1 via Flickr

#8 – Do Something FUN!

Obedience training in important, but it can also be boring for both dog and owner. Keep training fun for both of you by also doing something like tricks, agility, canine freestyle, etc.

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#9 –  Work With A Trainer

Professional trainers are the best way to get quick results. They can help you with any goals you have and answer your questions. Even better, they are there to take you down when you are frustrated and want to give up

Image source: @Maplegirlie via Flickr
Image source: @Maplegirlie via Flickr

#10 –  Celebrate The Little Wins

This is a hard one for all of us (I am guilty of it too). You are so focused on the end behavior, which your dog isn’t doing yet, that you get upset and forget to look at how far he has come. This especially happens when we are working on harder behaviors like stay, or with behavior modification, like reactivity. Again, this is when trainers come in handy because when you feel discouraged, they can point out to you how far you’ve come and celebrate it. Yes, you may not be there yet, but look how far you’ve gone! This will help you keep going and not give up.

Image source: @tiarescott via Flickr
Image source: @tiarescott via Flickr


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