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Veteran With PTSD Gets An Early Christmas Present When He’s Surprised With A Puppy

| December 17, 2016

Marine veteran Peter Coukoulis of Tallahassee, Florida, has been suffering from PTSD since he returned home from deployment in Afghanistan three years ago. All the while, his mom, Dena, has been worried about the health of her 26-year-old son.

“He doesn’t really sleep because when he does, he has nightmares about it all,” mom Dena told Daily Mail. “He can’t be in large crowds, he’s very emotional about his country and always says he feels that he should’ve done more.”

That’s why she decided to surprise him with a puppy in order to help him cope with his PTSD. She chose to get him an adorable Beagle for a very special reason.

“He grew up with a beagle, called Jackie that we got when he was nine. He loved her so much that he used to call her on the phone when he was away on duty,” Dena said in Daily Mail. “Sadly, she passed while he was still away, and we had to break the news to him the day he came home, which again really took its toll.”

They decided to surprise Peter with his “Christmas present” early this year. Watch his priceless reaction!


Boy, it’s hard to watch that beautiful moment without getting misty-eyed!

It’s only been a few days, but the puppy is already working her magic on her new dad.

“He’s made great strides for recovery over the past few years, and this pup will be a huge step towards him reclaiming his life back,” Dena said of her son in Daily Mail. “He hasn’t named her yet, but he’s leaning towards Jenny, after the character in one of his favorite films, Forrest Gump.”

We are thrilled that this deserving marine veteran has a canine companion to make his life brighter. We want to thank Peter Coukoulis for his service and his whole family for their sacrifices. Merry Christmas!

(h/t: Daily Mail)

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