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10 Flowers & Plants That Are Highly Dangerous To Dogs

| September 16, 2017

Some dogs live for Spring; they love digging in the garden alongside their human. More accurately, some dogs love to dig after their human has painstakingly planted a stunning array of flowers. Some well known flowers can be deadly for the dogs if they’re consumed. If any of these flowers are eaten by the dog, contact the vet or local animal hospital immediately.


Autumn Crocus

Otherwise known as Meadow Saffron these little beauties are poisonous from their colorful buds to their bulbs and every part in between. Ingesting the crocus may cause severe mouth irritation, vomiting of blood, diarrhea, shock and multi-organ failure.



This popular shrub is known for its delicate flowers and the deadly effects it has if any part of the plant is ingested. Consuming this plant may cause nausea, tremors, seizures or abnormal heart beat.



This tree is known by many different names, but the effects of eating any part of the tree are the same. They include excessive drooling, vomiting, and seizures.


Bella Donna

Used by humans as a sedative, this delicate flower produces little black berries that may be harmful to dogs if eaten. A dog may experience an elevated heart rate and hallucinations after eating any part of the Bella Donna plant.



The distinct Foxglove flower sports large trumpet like blossoms; they are lovely to look at but toxic to consume. Foxglove contains poison that directly affects the heart. If ingested symptoms may include cardiac arrhythmia, dilated pupils, and seizures.



While the beautiful flowers and leaves hold their own toxicity levels, the bulbs are considered the most dangerous. Consumption may lead to excess drooling, rapid heart rate, and difficulty breathing.



These popular wedding flowers come in varied colors depending on the Ph level of the soil. The symptoms a dog presents after consuming any part of the flower isn’t so varied. A dog may have excessive diarrhea, vomiting or extreme lethargy.


Lily of the Valley

Little bell like buds line a long stalk and may seem harmless, but in fact are fairly toxic. Any part of the plant consumed may result in excessive vomiting, a drop in heart rate, severe cardiac arrhythmia or even seizure.



Popular at Christmas time to steal a kiss from the one you love, the bright red berries of the Mistletoe are anything but merry for a dog. If consumed, a dog may experience severe stomach pains, hypotension (low blood pressure) or collapse.



One of the thousand different varieties of azalea available, the large woody shrubs are lovely to look at but harmful to eat. In addition to the usual vomiting and diarrhea, consumption of this plant may also result in tremors, blindness or seizures.

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