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101 Male Border Collie Names + Meanings

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on June 14, 2023

Choosing the perfect name for your new Border Collie puppy can be a daunting task. The name you choose should ideally reflect the breed’s energetic, intelligent, and hardworking nature. Border Collies are famous for their sheep herding skills and lightning-fast agility, so it may be a good idea to consider names that honor these traits. Whether you want a name that’s traditional, trendy, or a little bit of both, we’ve compiled an extensive list of 101 suggestions. From A to Z, each name is accompanied by a brief explanation to help you make the best choice for your new canine companion.

101 Boy Border Collie Name Ideas with Meanings

Looking for girl Border Collie names? Go here.

  1. Ace: This name is for a Border Collie who excels in everything, just like an “ace” in cards.
  2. Agility: A fitting name for this fast, agile breed.
  3. Alfie: A popular and friendly dog name.
  4. Apollo: After the Greek god of the sun, this is a great name for a radiant and warm-hearted Border Collie.
  5. Aries: Suitable for a dog born in late March to April, or a dog with a fiery spirit.
  6. Arrow: A quick, straight-to-the-point name for an agile and focused Border Collie.
  7. Atlas: A strong name, after the Titan who held up the sky.
  8. Barkley: A playful name that means “birch tree meadow” and a pun on the breed’s tendency to bark.
  9. Barney: An endearing name for a friendly and lovable dog.
  10. Beacon: Ideal for a Border Collie that lights up your life.
  11. Blaze: Perfect for a fast and energetic Border Collie.
  12. Bolt: This name suggests speed and strength.
  13. Buddy: A popular name for a dog that is your best friend.
  14. Buzz: For a dog with lots of energy.
  15. Champ: An excellent name for a top dog or a potential champion in agility trials.
  16. Charlie: One of the most popular dog names.
  17. Chess: Reflecting the intelligence of Border Collies, who might outsmart you in a game of chess.
  18. Chaser: Border Collies are known for their herding instincts, often “chasing” the herd.
  19. Clyde: A classic name with Scottish origins, fitting for a Scottish breed.
  20. Cooper: A trendy name that has a friendly ring to it.
  21. Cortex: For a dog that’s all about brains, after the cerebral cortex, the brain’s outer layer.
  22. Dash: Ideal for a quick, energetic dog.
  23. Dexter: Latin for “right-handed,” this could be a fun name for a Border Collie that favors one side.
  24. Dodger: A playful name for a dog with a knack for mischief.
  25. Duke: A noble name for a dignified Border Collie.
  26. Echo: A cool name for a dog whose bark echoes through the hills.
  27. Einstein: Border Collies are one of the most intelligent dog breeds.
  28. Finn: A popular name of Irish origin, meaning “fair”.
  29. Flash: A great name for a quick Border Collie.
  30. Flock: An homage to the Border Collie’s sheep herding background.
  31. Fly: A traditional name for sheepdogs, also suitable for a dog that’s quick on its feet.
  32. Frost: For a Border Collie with a white or light-colored coat.
  33. Gale: Suitable for a dog as quick and powerful as a gale-force wind.
  34. Gizmo: A popular and fun name for a clever dog.
  35. Guardian: Reflects the protective nature of Border Collies.
  36. Hawkeye: Ideal for a dog with sharp eyesight.
  37. Hunter: A suitable name for a dog with strong predatory instincts.
  38. Ink: A fun name for a dog with a dark, glossy coat.
  39. Jack: A popular, friendly name for a dog.
  40. Jet: Perfect for a speedy or black-coated Border Collie.
  41. Jigsaw: A quirky name for a dog with a patchwork of colors on its coat.
  42. Jupiter: A grand name for a Border Collie, after the largest planet in our solar system.
  43. Kale: Named after the leafy green, this could be a unique name for a healthy, energetic dog.
  44. King: A name befitting a dog with a regal demeanor.
  45. Kip: A Dutch name meaning “chicken,” it could be a fun name for a dog who likes to herd.
  46. Laser: A sharp, energetic name for a dog with laser-like focus.
  47. Lightning: Ideal for a fast and energetic Border Collie.
  48. Loki: Named after the Norse god of mischief.
  49. Major: Reflects the importance and leadership qualities of your dog.
  50. Maze: An interesting name for a dog that loves finding its way around.
  51. Merlin: A magical name for a dog with an enchanting personality.
  52. Milo: A friendly and popular name for dogs.
  53. Mosaic: An artistic name for a Border Collie with a unique coat pattern.
  54. Neptune: A royal name for a Border Collie, after the Roman god of the sea.
  55. Nimble: Perfect for a quick and agile Border Collie.
  56. Nugget: A cute name for a small, valuable pup.
  57. Odin: A powerful name, after the Allfather in Norse mythology.
  58. Orion: Named after the prominent constellation.
  59. Patches: A cute name for a Border Collie with a patchy coat.
  60. Paws: A fun and straightforward name for any dog.
  61. Piper: A happy, musical name.
  62. Pixel: An interesting name for a modern dog owner who loves technology.
  63. Puzzle: Because sometimes figuring out what your Border Collie wants can be a puzzle!
  64. Quasar: After the bright celestial objects. Ideal for a dog with a shining personality.
  65. Quicksilver: A name that reflects speed and agility, perfect for a Border Collie.
  66. Racer: For your fast and competitive companion.
  67. Ranger: Perfect for a Border Collie that loves exploring.
  68. Rex: A popular dog name meaning “king” in Latin.
  69. Rover: A classic name for a wandering pup.
  70. Rusty: A popular choice for dogs with reddish-brown coats.
  71. Scout: Ideal for a Border Collie with a keen sense of adventure.
  72. Shadow: For a dark-coated dog or one who’s always at your side.
  73. Shepherd: An obvious choice for a Border Collie, one of the world’s best herding dogs.
  74. Skylar: A name that signifies the limitlessness of the sky, perfect for a Border Collie’s boundless energy.
  75. Slate: For a Border Collie with a grayish-blue coat.
  76. Sonic: A fun name for a speedy dog.
  77. Spartan: A powerful name for a dog with a robust, disciplined personality.
  78. Spot: A classic choice for dogs with spotted coats.
  79. Sprint: Ideal for a fast Border Collie.
  80. Star: For a dog that shines in your life.
  81. Storm: Perfect for a powerful, energetic Border Collie.
  82. Tango: A lively name for a dog that loves to play and move.
  83. Titan: A great name for a dog with a strong personality.
  84. Tracker: A fitting name for a Border Collie with excellent tracking abilities.
  85. Trick: For a dog who’s great at learning new tricks.
  86. Trooper: A name that reflects the resilient and tenacious spirit of the breed.
  87. Twister: A fun name for a whirlwind of a dog.
  88. Vortex: For a dog whose energy pulls everyone in.
  89. Whisker: A cute and unique dog name.
  90. Whisper: Perfect for a dog with a soft, calm demeanor.
  91. Widget: A quirky name for a small, useful dog.
  92. Windy: A great name for a fast and free-spirited dog.
  93. Wise: To honor the intelligence of the Border Collie.
  94. Wolf: A strong name, reflecting the wild ancestry of dogs.
  95. Woolly: A fun name for a fluffy Border Collie.
  96. Xander: A unique and trendy name, meaning “defender of the people”.
  97. Yapper: A fun name for a talkative dog.
  98. Zeal: For a Border Collie full of enthusiasm and passion.
  99. Zephyr: Named after the gentle west wind, it could be a unique name for a swift and graceful Border Collie.
  100. Zipper: A playful name for a dog that’s always zipping around.
  101. Zoom: Perfect for a fast-moving Border Collie.

Remember, the perfect name for your Border Collie is a personal decision. It should be something that you love and feel suits your dog’s personality and character. Whether you’ve chosen a name from this list or it’s helped inspire you to think of your own, naming your dog is one of the first and most exciting responsibilities of being a new pet owner. Make sure it’s a name that will grow with your dog, reflecting the wonderful bond that you’ll develop together. Happy naming!

Next Up: If you’re looking for more dog name ideas, visit our boy dog names or female dog names pages.

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