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11 Amazing Things Dogs Can Sense About Humans

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| September 30, 2024


Dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and incredible ability to bond with humans. But beyond companionship, dogs possess extraordinary sensory abilities that allow them to detect things about people that often go unnoticed by the human eye. With their sharp noses, keen hearing, and ability to read body language like no other, dogs can sense things about our emotions, health, and even our intentions. These special skills make dogs great pets and exceptional health, safety, and comfort partners.

Your Mood


Dogs are highly in tune with human emotions and can sense changes in your mood with remarkable accuracy. Whether you’re happy, sad, anxious, or stressed, your dog will likely pick up on it and respond accordingly. Their ability to read body language, tone of voice, and even subtle facial expressions helps them gauge your emotional state. Many dogs will offer comfort when they sense you’re feeling down or join in your excitement when you’re happy. This deep connection makes dogs excellent emotional support animals, as they can naturally offer comfort when needed most.



One of the dogs’ most astonishing abilities is detecting illness in humans. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and some have been trained to detect certain types of cancer, diabetes, and even seizures before they occur. They can pick up on the chemical changes in a person’s body that indicate illness long before medical equipment can. In fact, some dogs are trained as medical alert dogs to help people with conditions like epilepsy or diabetes, providing an early warning system that can save lives. Whether through training or instinct, dogs are amazing medical detectives.

Pregnancy: Your Dog Knows Before You Do


Many dog owners report that their dogs start acting differently before they know they’re pregnant. Dogs can sense hormonal changes in a woman’s body and may respond with increased attention, protectiveness, or curiosity. Some dogs become more cuddly, while others may start guarding their pregnant owner more closely. Dogs’ sensitivity to hormonal shifts lets them pick up on pregnancy signs before many human symptoms become noticeable. Unsurprisingly, dogs are often among the first to “know” when a family expects a new member.

Stress: When Your Dog Becomes Your Therapist


Dogs have an uncanny ability to detect when their humans are stressed. They can sense subtle changes in body language, breathing patterns, and even the pheromones we release when feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Many dogs will respond to their owner’s stress by offering comfort, such as snuggling close, licking your hand, or simply staying by your side. Some dogs are even trained to help people with anxiety disorders by interrupting stress behaviors or providing grounding through touch. It’s almost as if dogs have a built-in therapist mode that switches on when they sense you’re in distress.

Fear: A Built-In Security System


Dogs are highly sensitive to fear, both in humans and other animals. They can detect changes in your scent when you’re afraid, as well as read your body language and hear the change in your voice when you’re scared. In response, many dogs will go into protective mode, standing closer to you, growling at perceived threats, or simply offering a reassuring presence. Their ability to sense fear makes dogs excellent companions in situations where safety may be a concern. Whether it’s barking at a suspicious stranger or comforting you during a storm, dogs are always ready to step up when fear is in the air.

Danger: The Intuition You Didn’t Know You Needed


Dogs have a remarkable sense of danger, often picking up on threats long before humans know them. Whether sensing an intruder, detecting a gas leak, or alerting their owners to an impending natural disaster, dogs’ heightened senses make them excellent protectors. They can hear sounds far beyond the range of human hearing, detect subtle vibrations in the ground, and sense changes in the environment that indicate danger. Many stories exist of dogs saving their owners’ lives by alerting them to house fires, break-ins, or dangerous wildlife. When it comes to sensing danger, dogs are a built-in early warning system.

Seizures: The Life-Saving Skill

Dog saves elderly ownerShutterstock

Some dogs are trained to detect and alert to seizures before they happen, but even untrained dogs have been known to sense seizures in their owners. It’s believed that dogs can detect subtle changes in a person’s scent or behavior that occur before a seizure, allowing them to alert their owners or provide assistance. These seizure-alert dogs can give people with epilepsy the time they need to get to a safe place or take medication, which can prevent serious injury. The bond between a seizure-alert dog and their owner is life-saving, and it highlights the incredible connection dogs have with humans on a physical and emotional level.

Sadness: The Comfort You Didn’t Ask For


If you’ve ever had a rough day and your dog wouldn’t leave your side, it’s because they can sense your sadness. Dogs are emotionally in tune with their owners and can pick up on changes in your body language, tone of voice, and even scent when feeling down. Many dogs will respond by offering comfort, whether it’s curling up beside you, giving you a gentle nudge, or simply resting their head on your lap. It’s as if dogs have a sixth sense for knowing when humans need a little extra love, making them the ultimate companions during tough times.

Your Routine: Dogs Are the Ultimate Timekeepers


Dogs are masters of routine, and they quickly learn the habits and schedules of their owners. Dogs have an incredible internal clock, whether it’s knowing when it’s time for a walk, anticipating when you’ll be home from work, or reminding you it’s time for dinner. They can sense the time of day based on environmental cues such as changes in light, your movements, or even their own internal body rhythms. This ability to pick up on your routine makes dogs reliable companions and great at keeping you on schedule—especially when it comes to feeding time!

Your Intentions: They Know What’s Coming


Dogs are experts at reading human body language and can often sense what you’re about to do before you even realize it yourself. Whether you’re getting ready to leave the house, planning a trip to the vet, or preparing to bathe them, your dog likely picks up on your intentions through subtle cues. They watch your movements, facial expressions, and even how you handle objects to determine what’s coming next. It’s why your dog may hide when they sense a bath is imminent or get excited when they see you grab their leash. Dogs are always one step ahead when it comes to predicting what you’re about to do.

Empathy: The Ultimate Human-Dog Bond


Dogs have an incredible capacity for empathy and can sense when their humans are going through emotional challenges. Whether it’s grief, anxiety, or loneliness, dogs are naturally drawn to offer comfort and companionship during difficult times. Their ability to read emotional cues and respond with affection, attention, or playfulness demonstrates their empathy. Dogs don’t judge; they offer unconditional love when you need it most. Their empathetic nature is one of the many reasons why dogs are so beloved by humans, and it’s a testament to the deep bond between people and their furry companions.

When Your Dog Knows You Better Than You Do


Dogs have an extraordinary ability to sense things about humans that often go unnoticed. Whether they’re picking up on your emotions, detecting changes in your health, or knowing your routine better than you do, dogs are always one step ahead. Their ability to read us so well sometimes makes it feel like they know us better than we know ourselves. The next time your dog looks at you like they’re reading your mind, just remember—they probably are. Maybe it’s time to ask them for advice on more than just dinner!