Updated: 3/20/2017
The story of Capone – beloved pet to the Abbato family of Colorado for 10 years – has been making worldwide headlines over the past month. This weekend, Capone’s owners won a major battle in the case. DNA results proved what his family and veterinarian have said from the start – Capone is 100% dog!

Despite the vindicating news, the Abbato family will have to wait a few more days to see their dog again. A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22, and will hopefully result in the judge ruling to free Capone from the possession of Aurora Animal Control. The confirmed German Shepherd mix has spent the past 5 weeks at their shelter.
Tracy Abbato is facing violations of animal running at large, keeping an aggressive animal and keeping an exotic/wild animal. She hopes the DNA will bring about the dismissal of the charges.
The family has been overwhelmed by the response from supporters across the world. More than 21,000 people had signed the Change.org petition as of Sunday afternoon.
“I knew people loved dogs, but I didn’t know this many people love dogs,” Tracy said. “It’s amazing. Look at our petition and GoFundMe. … There so many more dog lovers out there than I thought.”
We will update this story once again after the results of Wednesday’s hearing are made public.
Original Post:
The Abbato family of Aurora, Colorado adopted their dog, Capone nearly 10 years ago from the Adams County Animal Shelter. He was labeled as a German Shepherd Mix.
Now Capone is in the custody of Aurora Animal Control, being held until DNA results can either confirm his family’s claims, or show that he carries Wolf DNA – as the city suspects.

The tall, slender dog hopped the Abbato family’s fence on February 24 – the first time anything like this has happened in the 7 years they have lived in Aurora – and was picked up by Animal Control. When the family went to pick him up, they were turned away, with officers claiming he is an illegal exotic pet – a hybrid wolf.
If the DNA results confirm the city’s suspicions, Capone could be sent off to a wolf sanctuary, or even euthanized. Animal Control states that their suspicions about the family dog arose due to his physical characteristics, behavior and mannerisms.
The Abbatos’ veterinarian agrees that Capone is simply a lanky German Shepherd mix, and has never shown any of the tell-tale characteristics of a wolf hybrid. Tracy Abbato says she is confident that the DNA will exonerate her dog and allow him to come home, but for now she questions why a beloved family pet is being kept from his family.
“I don’t understand. This dog has a loving, caring home. People who abuse dogs, leave them outside in 2-degree weather, how do they still have their dogs?” She asked in an interview with KDVR.
The family has hired a lawyer, and will go in front of a judge on Wednesday to ask that Capone be allowed to return home as they await the DNA results. Tracey Abbato is facing charges of “animal running at large, keeping an aggressive animal and keeping an exotic/wild animal.”
What do you think of Aurora Animal Control’s actions?
H/t and Featured Image via KDVR News