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Brave Dog Dies a Hero After Rescuing Baby from Fire

By: Clarisse Q
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| November 22, 2024

In a heart-touching tale of bravery, a family’s dog named Polo became a hero by saving their baby daughter, Vivianna, from a devastating house fire. One evening in Baltimore, Maryland, 8-month-old Vivianna was inside her home when it suddenly burst into flames. Her mother, Erika Poremski, had just stepped outside for a brief moment when she noticed the fire.

“I just heard her crying and I couldn’t get to her. I tried really hard, everyone in the neighborhood tried. They were kicking the doors in and kicking the windows out. I couldn’t (get her out). Nobody could.”

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When the Baltimore City Fire Department arrived, both floors of the house were engulfed in flames. Despite the intense heat and danger, Erika told the firefighters that her baby and dog were still inside. Without hesitation, they rushed into the burning home. What they found was both heartbreaking and uplifting.

The firefighters discovered Polo lying on top of Vivianna, protecting her with his own body. The 6-year-old dog had shielded her from the smoke and heat, sacrificing his own life to save hers.

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“She only had burns on her side because of it. He stayed with her the whole time in the bedroom and wouldn’t even come downstairs to get out the door. He was my first baby and now I lost him,” Poremski said through tears. “And I’m just praying I don’t lose her. She’s all I have and it just happened so fast, I just don’t understand it.”

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Vivianna was placed in a medically induced coma while doctors treated the burns on one side of her body. Erika mourns the loss of their beloved Polo, who gave his life to save her daughter. While Vivianna is improving each day, she still has a long journey ahead to full recovery.

She Could Barely Walk or Breathe When Rescuers Found Her
She Could Barely Walk or Breathe When Rescuers Found Her

Rescuers swooped in, but when they got the pup into their care, she had lost the use of her back legs, was struggling to breathe, and weighed just around 20 pounds.

If you’d like to support Vivianna’s medical expenses and help the family rebuild their home, you can contribute through their GoFundMe page.

The news footage from Erika and Vivianna’s tragic night is below. Polo was a true hero that night.

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