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11 Dog Breeds Who Wake Up Everyday Like It’s Christmas Morning

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 13, 2024


If you’ve ever seen a dog leap out of bed, tail wagging and ready to take on the day with pure excitement, you know the joy of witnessing a dog that wakes up like it’s Christmas morning. Some breeds greet each day with boundless energy, bouncing off the walls as if surprises await. Their enthusiasm and zest for life make mornings a celebration, bringing a contagious sense of joy to their homes. These dogs radiate happiness and start every day with unmatched excitement.

Jack Russell Terrier


The Jack Russell Terrier is a pint-sized ball of energy that doesn’t believe in easing into the day. From the moment their paws hit the floor, these terriers are ready to run, jump, and explore. Known for their incredible stamina and high prey drive, Jack Russells are always on the lookout for the next adventure. Whether it’s chasing after a toy, sprinting through the backyard, or simply greeting their human with an enthusiastic morning pounce, this breed starts every day with an infectious burst of energy. Their unyielding eagerness can turn even a quiet morning into a lively affair.

Border Collie


Border Collies are known for their intelligence and work ethic, but they also greet the morning with an undeniable eagerness. These dogs, often regarded as one of the smartest breeds, seem to view each day as an opportunity to engage their brains and bodies in stimulating activities. Whether it’s herding imaginary sheep or awaiting the day’s obedience training, Border Collies wake up with an “I’m ready to work” attitude that’s hard to beat. Their sharp focus, combined with their endless energy, means that, for a Border Collie, every day is a chance to excel, and they’re excited to jump into action.

Labrador Retriever


Few dogs match the Labrador Retriever’s enthusiasm for life. Labs are friendly, outgoing, and full of love, especially in the morning. The moment they sense their human stirring, they’re up, tails wagging and ready to greet the day. Whether it’s a morning run, a game of fetch, or simply heading out for a walk, Labs is excited to get moving and be part of whatever action awaits. Their exuberance and love for adventure make every morning feel like a fresh opportunity to have fun and make memories. Labradors seem to believe that each day holds the promise of something exciting.



Vizslas are another breed that seems to bounce out of bed with a zest for life. These sleek, athletic dogs are renowned for their stamina and love of physical activity, which explains why they approach the start of each day with so much excitement. Vizslas are always ready to go for a long run, a swim, or participate in some intense play. Their eagerness to connect with their humans adds to their lively morning attitude. They wake up, look at their humans, and seem to say, “Let’s go! There’s so much we can do today!” A Vizsla’s excitement is truly contagious.

Australian Shepherd


The Australian Shepherd is a high-energy herding dog that seems to wake up with a to-do list already planned. Known for their intelligence and work-driven nature, Australian Shepherds are always ready to take on the day, and they’re not shy about showing their excitement. Whether it’s a morning walk, some agility training, or even just helping out with chores around the house, these dogs are thrilled to be up and moving. Their keen sense of purpose makes them greet every morning with a level of enthusiasm that can turn a mundane day into a fun-filled adventure.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi


Pembroke Welsh Corgis may be small in stature, but their morning excitement is anything but tiny. These little dogs are known for their playful nature and quick wit. Corgis tend to wake up ready to herd anything in sight, be it other pets, their owners, or even their toys. Their cheerful demeanor and eagerness to engage in fun activities make the mornings an exciting time. With their little legs moving as fast as they can, Corgis bring joy to their homes with their bubbly energy, as if every day is an opportunity for a grand adventure.

Miniature Schnauzer


Miniature Schnauzers have a knack for bringing energy into any room, and mornings are no exception. These spirited dogs are eager to be part of the action from the moment they wake up. Whether it’s playing, exploring, or simply following their humans around, Miniature Schnauzers wake up excited and ready to go. They love having a purpose and thrive on keeping busy, so they’re the kind of dogs who don’t want to miss a moment of the day. Their peppy attitude and love of fun mean they’ll greet each morning with a joyful bounce and a wagging tail.



Dalmatians are known for their distinctive spotted coats and their boundless energy, especially in the morning. These dogs are full of enthusiasm for life and tend to greet the start of each day with great anticipation. Whether it’s going for a run, exploring new surroundings, or simply playing with their favorite toys, Dalmatians jump into action without hesitation. Their playful nature and need for physical activity make every morning feel like a brand-new adventure. For a Dalmatian, every day holds the potential for fun, and their exuberance makes them the perfect breed for someone who loves an active lifestyle.

Finnish Lapphund


The Finnish Lapphund might not be as well-known as some other breeds, but these fluffy dogs wake up with a contagious excitement that makes them hard to ignore. Bred to herd reindeer in the Arctic, Finnish Lapphunds are always ready to get moving, and their love for activity is apparent from the moment they open their eyes. Whether it’s chasing after a ball or running around the yard, these dogs greet each day with joy and excitement. Their playful demeanor and eagerness to please make them a delight to wake up to, as they bring a sense of adventure to every morning.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon


The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a lesser-known breed that tackles each day with energy and enthusiasm. These dogs, known for their hunting and retrieving abilities, wake up ready to seize the day. Whether it’s a morning hike, a game of fetch, or any outdoor activity, the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is always eager to participate. Their zest for life and strong bond with their humans means they’re quick to jump into action at the first sign of morning. With their adventurous spirit and love for the outdoors, these dogs make every morning feel like the start of a grand expedition.

Lagotto Romagnolo


The Lagotto Romagnolo is another lesser-known breed that brings plenty of excitement to the morning routine. Originally bred to hunt truffles, these dogs have a keen sense of smell and love exploring their surroundings. They wake up each day with a desire to sniff out new adventures, whether it’s finding hidden treasures in the backyard or simply playing with their toys. Their curly coats and cheerful disposition add to their charm, and they greet each day with wagging tails and bright eyes. For the Lagotto Romagnolo, every day holds the potential for discovery, and their enthusiasm is contagious.

It’s Always Christmas Morning With These Dogs


For these breeds, waking up is always an adventure. Whether they’re leaping out of bed to chase a ball or greeting their humans with wagging tails, these dogs make every day feel like a holiday. Their boundless energy, love for life, and eagerness to start the day are contagious, bringing joy to those who share their mornings. If you’re seeking a dog that turns each morning into an exciting event, these breeds will make you feel like it’s Christmas morning every single day.