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Puppy Living Between Garage Walls Popped Out When No One Was Looking

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| September 18, 2024

What seemed like an ordinary weekend in East L.A. was anything but! A couple of neighbors noticed something peculiar in their neighborhood. A little, fluffy white head would occasionally pop out from a small gap between two garages, only to disappear just as quickly. Curious, the neighbors decided to investigate and uncovered something unexpected—a small puppy was living in the tiny space. The dog, who seemed less than a year old, had managed to wedge himself between two concrete walls.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

Although he could squeeze out on his own, the gap was too narrow for any human to reach him. Frightened, the little pup retreated deeper into the crevice whenever the neighbors tried to approach. In an effort to help, they left food out, hoping to coax him out. But while the dog would eat the food, he would quickly dart off to another hard-to-reach hiding spot once they left. After days of unsuccessful attempts, the neighbors reached out to Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, for help.

When Hall arrived with her volunteers, she was surprised by how small the gap was and couldn’t believe the dog had been surviving in such a cramped space. “It was so hard to even reach him,” Hall shared on Facebook. She tried offering a variety of treats, but the scared pup refused to leave his safe spot while people were nearby. He would only come out to eat the treats once the rescuers had hidden from sight.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

“He would come out, and we would hide,” Hall wrote. “He ate everything around the trap but wouldn’t go inside.” After several failed attempts to lure him out with food, the rescuers decided on a different approach. One volunteer, Kassandra, climbed over the brick wall and gently used a long tree branch to encourage the dog to move closer to the opening. Once he was within reach, Hall carefully slipped a snappy snare leash around his neck and successfully pulled him out.

Finally free, the pup was loaded into Hall’s van and driven to Camino Pet Hospital. On the way, he enjoyed a well-deserved nap in front of the air conditioning. Hall decided to name him Casper, inspired by his ghostly white fur and how he had been hiding in the walls like a “friendly ghost.”

Suzette Hall/Facebook

At the vet, Casper received a full checkup and a spa treatment. He later fell asleep with a fresh haircut and a new start to life. Hall reported that Casper is adjusting well despite being frightened at first. He will now roll onto his back, asking for belly rubs.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

Casper will soon move to a foster home while he waits to find his forever family. Hall is confident that, with his lovable personality, the perfect home is just around the corner. You can see Casper’s heroic rescue by clicking the video below:

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