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Dog ‘Shines Bright’ Outside Her Kennel, But Few People See It

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| December 19, 2024

When Cherry first arrived at the Clermont County Animal Shelter in September, she didn’t look like most dogs. Her small frame was covered in a bright red hue caused by a severe case of mange, and her timid demeanor reflected the uncertainty she felt in her new environment. Terrified of the unfamiliar shelter setting, Cherry kept to herself, reluctant to trust anyone. It wasn’t until the shelter’s staff and volunteers spent time patiently working with her that Cherry’s true personality began to shine.

Clermont County Animal Shelter/Facebook

“She was hard to get out of her kennel because she was so fearful,” Megan Dashley, one of the shelter’s volunteers, told The Dodo. “She had to be carried outside by most volunteers, but once outside, away from the noise, she came to life.”

Cherry’s breakthrough moment came during her first trip to a park bench. It was there that her absolute obsession with all things ball-related became clear. “At the park bench that first day taking her out was when I realized her infinite love for balls. Basketballs, weighted medicine balls, tennis balls, balls that are supposed to be indestructible do not stand a chance with Cherry,” Dashley explained.

Megan Dashley/Facebook

With time, Cherry’s fears began to fade. She became a favorite among the shelter’s team, showing off her playful side in group activities and winning over hearts with her bright, energetic personality. Her joy was contagious, and everyone was thrilled when Cherry finally found a foster family who adored her.

The hope was that Cherry’s foster home would become her forever family, but sadly, unexpected circumstances brought her back to the shelter. This time, the emotional toll was heavier on Cherry. She struggled to adjust and would tremble in her kennel, unsure of why she was back in such a chaotic place.

Megan Dashley/Facebook

Despite being loved by so many people, Cherry’s journey has been filled with challenges. She has been adopted multiple times, only to return to the shelter, as well as placed in several foster homes. Each time, her longing for stability and love grows stronger. “Outside of the shelter, Cherry shines so bright,” Dashley shared. “She smiles from ear to ear when she is comfortable, happy, and at peace.”

The shelter staff and volunteers are doing everything they can to help Cherry find the loving family she deserves. They believe that somewhere out there is the perfect match for her — a family ready to give her the forever home she’s been waiting for. “This girl is a national treasure and a hidden gem,” Dashley said. “Someone would be SO LUCKY to be in her aura and get to absorb the amount of love she has to give.”

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

Until that day comes, Cherry will continue to wait, surrounded by people who care deeply for her. Everyone at the shelter knows she’s something special — they just hope someone else sees it, too.

PUPDATE: Clermont County Animal Shelter shared this post and we are over the moon! Cherry found her forever family. The photo is captioned, “Cherry is going home!!” Here’s to a beautiful life, sweet girl. You deserve it.

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